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          When the Jesus-denying cult leader, MARK DUKE, first came to Selma he called ROSE SANDERS “the devil”. We suspect that was due to the fact that she paid $80,000 for the Teppers Building and fooled him into buying it for $175,000. Now Mark Duke has come back to our fair city and joined Rose in her 40 person march against the Forrest Monument last Tuesday. Rather than wasting his time with a woman he called the devil, Mark Duke and his Freedom Foundation should FIX UP THE EYE SORE ON BROAD STREET WHICH WAS THE ONCE BEAUTIFUL TEPPERS BUILDING. Of course, that would require money to be spent rather than raised from gullible Americans as he marches with the one he called the devil.

          Because the Forrest monument has been in Selma for nearly 12 years and had been resting quietly in the cemetery for the last 11 years, we do not have much to say about the current controversy. We have been to Live Oak-AND WE URGE EVEYONE TO GO-AND SEE EXACTLY WHERE THE CONCRETE TRNECHES ARE WHICH THE BREAST EXPOSING FEEDING MALIKA SANDERS AND HER BABY LAID DOWN IN. PLEAE NOTE THIS: these trenches had NOTHING to do with the Forrest monument. The trenches were around the 1878 Confederate Monument TO MAKE IT HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE…that is right, what they laid down in and what they stopped was the construction of walkways to make the Confederate-not the Forrest-monument handicap accessible. WHY WOULD ANYONE OBJECT TO MAKING ANY MONUMENT OR BUILDING HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE? Where is Carolyn Bates when we need her? If you do not believe this is what the protestors stopped, go out there and look at where the concrete was being poured.

          As far as the Forrest monument, NO NEW monument to Forrest was being built. The proposal is that the Forrest monument which has been in the cemetery in 11 years was going to be moved to a pedestal on the other side of the cemetery and a fence built around it to make it more difficult for local terrorists to steal it. Nearly every national news story we have read has misrepresented what was being done. Nearly every story talked about the NEW monument being built to Forrest and most indicated that the City of Selma was building it. This was a direct result of the purposely misleading petition posted by Little Rose on There is no doubt that Malika Fortier wanted to give the impression that the City was building some NEW monument to the Forrest and in the process has given the City of Selma another black eye.

          We also must say a word about the City Council being bullied into taking an action to suspend the building permit for the work on Confederate Circle. We have two questions which we want to ask those members of the City who caved in to the pressure from Rose and her band of 40 malcontents and misfits:

1. If the City Council gives due process (a hearing) to the owner of a nightclub where murder has been committed before revoking his business license, should not the Council have given due process (a hearing) to a legitimate contractor who had done nothing wrong before suspending his building permit?

2. If the City Council denies the use of Confederate Circle-as it has-to the UDC who has had use of the Circle since 1896, should not the Council given the UDC due process (a hearing) before denying them use of the Circle?

Somebody was not thinking when the Council took this action! We are not lawyers, but we know the denial of due process is a violation of the 5th and 14th amendments to the Constitution AND IS GOING TO GET THE CITY SUED IN FEDERAL COURT SOONER RATHER THAN LATER.

          And here is the kicker-AND TIME WILL TELL IF WE ARE RIGHT-when the city is sued, THE SUIT WILL NOT EVEN RAISE THE ISSUE OF OWNERSHIP OF THE CIRCLE. That is our humble opinion of what the results will be of the City Council being bullied by Rosie and her motley gang.

          EVEN WONDER WHY ROSE, MALIKA AND FRANKLIN DO NOT HAVE TO WORK FOR A LIVING? Here is another small example of the taxpayers of Alabama supporting these free loaders. From November 10, 2011 until September 13, 2012, Wallace Community College in Selma sent $32,374.22 of your tax dollars to the private school run by Rose, McRae Learning Center. Our question is why would a stated owned and publicly funded school send state funds to a private school? Go to Year-2011 to see all of the expenditures by Wallace AND YOU WILL BE AMAZED.

          Since 1993, Hank Sanders has taken more than $10 MILLION from the Education Trust Fund and had it given to Rose’s various organizations, much of it funneled through entities like Wallace Community College. If the Dallas County School System had all of the public money which has gone to Rose’s private corporations in the last 20 years, the County Commission would not have to raise the sales tax to keep the school system solvent! IT IS NO WONDER NONE OF THESE PEOPLE HAVE TO WORK FOR A LIVING and are able to travel all of the world at our expense!

          FINALLY, the cancer in Selma known as HATE RADIO 105.3 continues to promote hate, disunity, division, anarchy and chaos in the community while wondering why Selma is not growing or getting industry. LOOK IN THE MIRROR, Franklin “not a Bishop” Fortier and Malika “little Rose” Fortier and you will see the major problems in Selma and the reasons for many of the problems here. About 95% of the people in Selma, black and white, want to get along and live in harmony, BUT IF EVERYONE DID, THAT WOULD PUT Hate Radio OUT OF BUSINESS and stop the flow of money into the pockets of the professional hate mongers.