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WHY WALLACE COMMUNITY COLLEGE PAID SOME $70,000.00 OF TAXPAYERS MONEY TO FINANCE THE VOTING RIGHTS MUSEUM JUBILEE!If someone can tell us why a public state supported college is using state funds to support private events, we will be happy to print the information.

SEE THE PAGE WHICH FOLLOWS where Wallace Community College is paying $3650.00 of our tax dollars for some entertainer to be at Jubilee. We understand that Wallace gave at least $70,000 to support Rose's efforts. What we want everyone to understand is that there was a time when Hank Sanders sent money directly to Rose's organizations. Because of Ethics investigation, HANK STARTED SENDING MONEY TO WALLACE COLLEGE WHERE WALLACE PRESIDENT JAMES MITCHELL DIRECTED IT ON TO ROSE AND HER ORGANIZATIONS.

We have heard that Mitchell's wife has already left Selma. We will be happy to see him depart. We think his departure was hastened by the Republican takeover of the state legislature, which we hope will make it harder for Sanders to send money to his wife's organizations.

WE HEAR ROSE AND HATE RADIO 105.3 TRYING TO CAPITALIZE on the death of civil rights worker, Mrs. Annie Cooper. If you listen to Rose, Leashore, Fortier and the other hate mongers on HATE RADIO, you would think they were Mrs. Cooper's dearest friends and supporters. The truth is, they abandoned her to the extent that she lay on the floor at her home for 3 days before someone found her. Only the goodness of Mrs. Hatcher at Lannie's Bar B Que kept Mrs. Cooper alive. ROSE and the other haters were no where to be found when Mrs. Cooper needed help, but now they are acting like the chief mourners. What hypocrites!!

We don't understand why HATE RADIO 105.3 continues to lie and mislead African-Americans into believing that people are trying to reinstitute slavery, WHICH IS FOREVER FORBIDDEN BY THE CONSTITUTION. We believe that most African-Americans are far too wise to be misled by the hate filled disc jockies at 105.3.