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          The Selma City Election on August 28 resulted in the following winners and losers:


(1) Mayor George Evans defeated former Mayor James Perkins, Jr., who was running for Mayor for the sixth time. Perkins has now lost 4 mayoral races. We thought the race would be close because (1) the Perkins campaign and especially HATE RADIO 105.3 constantly lied about Mayor Evans. With Lydia Chapmon, Ezekiel Pittway and the rest of the haters and dividers lying about the Evans administration 24/7, it was not surprising that the race was as close as it was. We believe the City is better off with Evans as Mayor (2) Mayor Evans did not help himself with his own supporters by keeping most all of the Perkins Department Heads the entire 4 years Evans has been in office. Letting the Perkins Department Heads remain in place is unprecedented in the annals of politics. Whether it is the President, the Governor or mayors, everyone appoints his own people to run government departments during their term. We know of no one who has kept the opponents supporters in place after winning an election. ONE OF THE PERKINS DEPARTMENT HEADS THAT EVANS KEPT EVEN HAD A PERKINS SIGN IN HER YARD DURING THE ELECTION. This is absurd. MAYOR EVANS, please, we beg you, put your own people in as Department Heads this term and please do it immediately!

(2) THE BIGGEST WINNER IN TUESDAY’S ELECTION MAY HAVE BEEN SOMEONE WHO WAS NOT EVEN ON THE BALLOT: Dr. Cecil Williamson. Williamson was vilified, verbally crucified and campaigned against by the entire Sanders Clan from Hank Sanders’ robo call to Franklin Fortier’s ads attacking Williamson to the constant attacks on ALL LIES (masquerading as True Selma). If these malcontents and liars are to be believed, WILLIAMSON IS SINGLEHANDEDLY RUNNING THE CITY AND CONTROLLING THE MAYOR AND MOST ALL COUNCIL MEMBERS. Any rational person knows that this is not true; however, truth has never mattered to Hank and Rose Sanders, the Fortiers, and the other haters on 105.3. We are pleased that Dr. Williamson will be a member of the City Council in the new term and think he has done an excellent job of returning the City Council meetings to a sense of normalcy and decorum.

(3) Councilwomen Keith and Benjamin were winners. Both of these ladies are hard workers and team players and deserve another term on the Council. The City is better of for projects they have initiated such as Recycling, the Military Assistance Missions, KaBoom, and Walking Trails. We were also pleased that though the haters and dividers tried to use it against them, their votes for Dr. Williamson to be Pro-Tem of the Council did not hurt them at the polls.

(4) Councilman Corey Bowie ran a positive campaign and received 46% of the vote for President of the City Council. There are a number of reasons Bowie should be the next Council President, but the primary one is EXPERIENCE. He has served a term on the Council and is familiar with the workings on the Council. It seems to us that someone should serve on the Council before being Council President. We strongly urge everyone to return to the polls on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, and vote for Bowie for Council President.

(5) Councilman B. L. Tucker led a 4 person race for Ward 6 councilman. Frankly, we did not know how this race would turn out with the consummate liar Johnnie Leashore on Hate Radio constantly lying about Tucker and the city. Tucker ran a stronger race than we might have thought and obviously has major support in Ward 6. He is a good man and we pray that he will win another term on OCTOBER 9. We ask everyone to read some of our previous articles and do not forget the criminal and bizarre behavior of Johnnie Leashore.


1. FRANKLIN and MALIKA SANDERS FORTIER were the biggest losers on August 28. In a four person race for President of the City Council, , Fortier received about 23% of the vote and thankfully did not make the run-off. It should be evident to them that the majority of people in this community DO NOT SUPPORT their bent toward anarchy, their conscious decision to promote hate and division as a means to win and their constant lies about other people. Listening to Fortier, we would have thought that he was running against Cecil Williamson. Both he and his father-in-law repeatedly used Williamsons’ name in an effort to inflame black voters to vote against Bowie, Evans and other members of the City Council. THEIR TACTIC BACKFIRED and Fortier did not receive enough support to be in a run-off.

2. HANK SANDERS was a big loser on August 28. We were disgusted with his robo call supporting Fortier in which he also used the name of Cecil Williamson in an effort to inflame voters to vote against Corey Bowie. We want to say again what we have said about Hank Sanders. He and his wife have enriched themselves at the public’s expense during the nearly 30 years he has been in the legislature WHILE SELMA AND THE BLACK BELT HAVE CONTINUED TO LANGUISH IN POVERTY AS THE POOREST PART OF THIS STATE. Please do not take our word for it. Consider this one example. When Sanders went into the Senate, he and Rose owned one rather modest home on Union Street. Pull up the property records for Dallas County AND TODAY YOU WILL FIND 21 pieces of property in their names alone. This does not include all of the property owned by the more than 15 corporations which Rose has incorporated as well as property throughout most counties in the Black Belt.

3. JAMES PERKINS, JR. who lost his 4th race for Mayor and we trust his last. Other than misleading people via HATE RADIO 105.3 and its ALL LIES program, Perkins campaign never seemed to inspire his followers. It appeared to us that he was depending on 105.3 to get him elected. Rather than saying he had plans to reduce the city’s debt and give employees a raise-PLANS HE WOULD NOT REVEAL-we think he should have made these plans known and then the voters could have judged whether his plan was better than what was being done. EVEN NOW, IF HE HAS PLANS WHICH WILL HELP THE CITY, WE URGE HIM TO PRESENT THEM to the city council. As the Good Book says, Rev. Perkins, to know to do right and not do it is sin. Give the city your plans to improve life here!


THE MONUMENT, OH YES, THE MONUMENT IN LIVE OAK CEMETERY is the latest cause of the day for Rose Sanders and her clan of publicity seeking malcontents and haters. Despite the fact that the UDC had received a Certificate of Appropriateness from the Historic Commission and a Building Permit from the City of Selma to work in Confederate Circle, Rose, Hank and the Fortiers have decided to take the law into their own hands and stop the work. PLEASE UNDERSTAND, AS WE HAVE SEEN THE PLANS AND FOLLOWED THIS CLOSELY, there never was a plan to build a NEW Forrest monument on the Circle. The approved Plan was to move the monument to the other side of the Circle, put it on a pedestal and put a fence around it, which would make it more difficult to steal. None of this would have happened had not the bust of Forrest been stolen. THE PERSON OF INTEREST WHOSE CELL PHONE IS BEING HELD WITH PICTURES IS HATE RADIO’S AND SANDERS OPERATIVE, Sherette Spicer. From what we hear, two witnesses have given statements to authorities that they saw Spicer showing pictures of the stolen bust on her cell phone. A judge gave a search warrant and her phone was seized by the police. We do not know if she is guilty or not, but we do understand that had the bust not been stolen, the Forrest monument would have remained quietly in the cemetery where it has been the last 11 years. If memory serves us, IT WAS BECAUSE OF ROSE SANDERS THAT THE MONUMENT WAS MOVED IN 2001 TO THE CEMETERY. Now she wants to remove the Monument which she caused to be placed there in the first place.

The UDC contracted with a construction company from Virginia to do the work at the cemetery. They brought their crew from Virginia. We have given them a taste of what life in Selma is like with the Sanders and Fortiers and their merry band of unemployed protestors. FROM WHAT WE HAVE HEARD-AND WE SAY HEARD RATHER THAN SEEN BECAUSE WE HAVE NOT BEEN OUT THERE-Police Chief Riley should be fired on the spot. First, Riley stood by and did nothing while Rose STOLE a wreath from the Circle. We are told he was looking right at her and let her steal the wreath and walk right past him. It doesn’t matter whether the City or the UDC owns the lot, no one should be permitted to steal items from the Circle, especially with the Police Chief looking at them.

We were also disappointed at Riley’s high handed action in going to the cemetery on the evening of August 28 and telling the construction crew if they did not stop working, he would arrest them. IS THIS A POLICE STATE? By what authority, can a police chief or anyone else go to a work site and tell people to stop work or they will be arrested WITHOUT TELLING THEM WHAT LAW THEY MAY BE VIOLATING? Of course Riley went there after Rose called him. We only ask you to consider the implications of what he did. If he can do this without any legal authority and without telling people why they will be arrested, can he go to any work site in the city, stop work and threaten to arrest workers?

We have been told also that Franklin Fortier and his minions tore down construction tape that had been placed at the sight while city police looked on. It doesn’t matter whether the city or the UDC owns the Circle, no one has the right to go on a construction site and destroy someone’s property. Meanwhile, his wife, Malika Sanders Fortier, is breast feeding their baby on the construction site. WHAT KIND OF WOMAN EXPOSES HER BREAST PUBLICLY AND WHAT KIND OF HUSBAND PERMITS HIS WIFE TO DO SO IN FRONT OF DOZENS OF PEOPLE? Do these people have no shame or do they just do things for shock value?

We did hear of one example of Christian charity at the site. Fortunately, the construction crew from Virginia is composed of all believers. One of the men was in a trench digging it out while Sherette Spicer and another minion stood above him throwing dirt back into the trench on top of him. They threw quite a bit of dirt on the worker. Finally, he got out of the trench, dusted the dirt off of himself, went to his cooler, got two bottles of water and took them to Sherette and her fellow dirt thrower. We have been amazed at the restraint the constructions workers, WHO WRE HIRED TO DO A JOB AND HAVE NO DOG IN THIS FIGHT, have shown while being abused both verbally and physically by Rose, Franklin, and other haters.

The issue of who owns the Circle is one for the Courts to decide. We believe the work that the City approved should go forward. From the plans we have seen, the work will greatly improve the entire Confederate Circle and make it a real tourist draw for our city. Meanwhile, Selma could use a new Police Chief as well as a lot less of exposure, literally and figuratively, from the Fortiers and Sanders!