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          EX-Councilman, the defeated and disgraced Johnnie Leashore, whose rants on hate radio 105.3 indicate a problem with his MENTAL HEALTH which needs treatment. Because of his mindless babbling about Mayor Evans and Council members Tucker, Williamson, Bowie, and Allen on hate 105.3, we asked a psychiatrist friend of ours to listen to the ex-councilman. After a few minutes, our doctor friend diagnosed Leashore as suffering from Fiendish Outrageous Overwhelmed Loser Syndrome, or FOOLS Disease, as it is known in the psycho community. FOOLS Disease is a serious disease which can lead to a complete mental breakdown and confinement. Although it had been rumored for many years that Leashore suffers from FOOLS Disease, we were sorry to hear that he actually is a CARRIER of FOOLS Disease and urge him to get help before he spreads the disease to other unsuspecting losers like himself.

          The Ramada Inn owing a $25,000 water bill? Why hasn't their water been turned off before now? If some poor person has a $20 bill and misses paying a couple months, their water is turned off, but not the Indians and Perkins supporters at the Ramada Inn. Why did Perkins, Crenshaw, and Leashore let these people run up a $25,000 bill? Probably because they are able to contribute big bucks to the Perkins reelection campaign, but they won't pay their water bill. The favoritism that Crenshaw, Perkins and Leashore showed to who paid water bills and who did not is criminal. Anyone looking for Perk can find him at the Ramada Inn most days. The Water Board meets at 5:30 pm today to consider a request to "adjust" the bill.

          That the missing money and 3 cars from the Selma Police Department is being covered up by individuals still working there. These people need to remember history. It was not the Watergate break-in that brought down the Nixon presidency, but the cover up, the obstruction of justice, which followed the break in that brought him down. The same thing could happen now that Chief Riley is putting things down in writing, some of which seem to contradict one another. Meanwhile, the city has had to pay more than $12,000 for cars that no longer exist and that no one in the SPD knows what happened to. As Councilman Williamson said last night, the thing of concern is that of all the people involved, only one no longer works for the SPD. The rest of the people involved in this are still on the city payroll. Although we supported and still support Mayor Evans 100%, we are concerned about his attitude of "lets move on, nothing can be done about this". We are not saying the Mayor wants to sweep it under the rug and forget it, but it appears to us more could be done to remove the people involved from the city payroll.

          That the RATS are taking their show on the road to Montgomery. RATS (Random Acts of Theatre) is the theatre arm of the House of God/Freedom Foundation cult and are producing the story of Joseph and his many colored coat. The people of Selma should not underestimate Mark Duke and his followers. For the most part, they are talented, educated and shrewd. Three of them are on the Selma Police force, Skelton, Clark, and Brunson, and others are gainfully employed throughout the community. Fortunately, the Dukester has managed to alienate himself from most of the evangelical Christians in the community. ON SUNDAY, APRIL 26, at 6 PM, one of the foremost authorities in Alabama on cults, Allan McConnell, will speak at ELKDALE BAPTIST CHURCH. This is the meeting scheduled earlier which Duke and his henchmen threatened to picket, boycott or disrupt. Let's see what the Dukester and his cult will do on the 26th.

          Bills for more than $100,000 which have come from Khafra Engineering for services they say they did for the city 2 to 3 years ago. There were never presented to the Council for payment by Perkins, Lois Williams or current Finance Director Cynthia Mitchell, who never knows nothing about anything. Khafra was also one of Perkins biggest financial supporters. There is no way of knowing whether they did the work or not. EVERYWHERE WE LOOK EVERY DAY, THERE IS SOME OTHER FINANCIAL SCANDAL INVOLVING PERKINS, CRENSHAW, LEASHORE AND RANDOLPH.

          Crenshaw and Randolph costing the taxpayers another $2,000 by overspending their discretionary funds. If you paid $10 for your child to play baseball or softball, thanks, because those fees are where the money came from to replace this excess expenditure by Ruthless and Randolph. For years, they have used city funds from the discretionary fund to buy hams and turkeys to be given to their friends in their wards at Thanksgiving and Christmas. The scheme goes something like this: their friends set up a non-profit, they give money to it, the non-profit buys hams and turkeys from Calhoun Foods, and let Ruthless and Randolph give them to whomever they wish. They should have to pay that money back to the city as well as the thousands of dollars they have taken illegally in salaries from the Water Board!!