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          No one on the Selma City Council, except perhaps Leashore, is as mean spirited, evil, spiteful, hateful, arrogant, and disrespectful as Bennie Ruth Crenshaw.

          Her disrespect is generally directed at Council President George Evans. Lately, she and Leashore have been directing their venom toward Dr. Geraldine Allen because Allen has showed them up for what Crenshaw and Leashore really are - MONEY GRUBBING LEECHES ON THE CITY! In addition to the $14,500 Crenshaw and Leashore each get from the City Council, LEASHORE IS RIPPING OFF ANOTHER $25,000 as Chairman of the Water Board and Crenshaw is ripping off another $19,600 as the Board's Secretary/Treasurer (isn't that a scary thought that she is treasurer - NO WONDER our water rates keep going up, up, up!). Now Dr. Allen has agreed to serve on the Water Board WITHOUT PAY - WHICH MAKES Crenshaw and Leashore look like what they really are!!!

          But it is Crenshaw's arrogance and disrespect which disrupts each and every Council Meeting. Watch the following clip from the council's February 12, 2007 meeting and see if you don't agree that Crenshaw has Gone Wild and should not be in ANY position of leadership in this City or anywhere else.

          THE SITUATION IS: The Crenshaw Block and MRS MARTIN have just voted 5-4 to over rule President Evans, who had recommended a reasoned approach to solve the problem of electing members of the Water Board. AT THAT POINT, Crenshaw begins to demonstrate again how disrespectful, disruptive, and devisive she is...

The Clip