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          We do not personally know City Clerk Lois Williams; therefore, we do not know if she is incompetent, folds under the pressure of the job, or is deliberately trying to help Mayor Perkins steal the election...or perhaps, she is just making honest mistakes. As Absentee Election Manager, consider what Ms. Williams has already done:

(1) Following is the list of people who requested absentee ballots on July 24, 2008. NOTICE THAT 6 OF THESE PEOPLE were not even on the voting list. However, Ms. Williams, we are told, sent them ballots-provisional ballots. NOTE also on that date, 2 people, Roberta Mason and Diana Tate, also requested absentee ballots. We assume they were sent regular ballots. Notice the images.

On the following day, July 25, 2008, the NAMES OF THE 6 PEOPLE WHO WERE NOT EVEN ON THE VOTING LIST NOW APPEAR on the list of those who received REGULAR ballots on July 25 PLUS Roberta Mason and Diana Tate's names AGAIN appear on the list of those who received ballots on July 25. The July 25 list is below.

We want to know (a) Did the 6 unregistered voters receive provisional ballots on July 24 AND regular ballots on July 25 - as the list from the City Clerk's Office seems to indicate? (b) Did Mason and Tate receive regular ballots on July 24 and 25?

Apparently someone called this to Ms. Williams attention because she issued a revised list of applicants for July 24 and 25 WHICH SHOWS THAT THE 6 people whom she first said were not on the voting list received REGULAR ballots as did Mason and Tate. We want to know if the 6 people are on the voting list or not and WHAT KIND AND HOW MANY BALLOTS HAVE THEY AND TATE AND MASON RECEIVED? The revised list:

(2) The second thing Ms. Williams has done is send out the wrong ballots to at least 2 people we are aware of, and there may be others. For example, a person in Ward 8 requested an absentee ballot, but when it arrived it was a ballot for Ward 4. This either happens on purpose or BECAUSE WE ARE HEADED TOWARD HAVING MORE ABSENTEE BALLOTS THAN PERRY AND LOWNDES COUNTY COMBINED.....almost 200 applicants in the first few days.....and to help crack heads and other unsavory people be rounded up by the Mayor's supporters and brought to City Hall to vote, Ms. Williams is now keeping the office open on Saturdays from 8-12. Does she think the people of Selma are so ignorant that we don't know what that is all about?

(3) Finally, Ms. Williams has presented a list of voting officials WHICH CLEARLY VIOLATES THE LAW BY HAVING RELATIVES OF CANDIDATES WORKING AT THE POLLS. City employees and relatives of candidates and their spouses CAN NOT BE POLL WORKERS. However, Ms. Williams has suggested that Regina Woodson be the Inspector at West Trinity. This is Bennie Ruth Crenshaw's home box and where she usually "takes" the Ward 7 election. We are told that Regina Woodson IS MAYOR PERKINS' FIRST COUSIN. Can anyone email us and verify that?

Also, working at West Trinity is Solomon Rhodes. Rhodes is a man who has it made with the city. He receives some $35,000 a year FROM THE CITY as the janitor at the Good Sam and with the city! We are told he is Ms. Crenshaw's first cousin. Can someone verify that? Also, working the Absentee Box is Leola Stewart. We are told she is a cousin to the Mayor. IF ANY OF THESE PEOPLE ARE KIN TO PERKINS OR CRENSHAW, they are forbidden by LAW FROM WORKING AT THE POLLS. Come on, Ms. Williams, don't put anyone's relatives down as Poll Workers!

          We remember the Bond Election and how Ms. Williams folded under the pressure of the job on election morning. It appears to us that the same thing is beginning to happen this election!