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          The ad about the Bond Issue by Dr. Cecil Williamson which appeared in the Selma Times-Journal and which is posted on this website makes more sense than anything Mayor Perkins or anyone else has said. Williamson pointed out that the current Bond Issue presents 52 items which ALL must be approved or rejected.

          Dr. Williamson's suggestion that this Bond Issue be defeated and another Bond Issue be presented to the people which allows the people to vote on INDIVIDUAL items is a reasonable alternative to what we are asked to vote on next Tuesday.

          The Bond Issue proposed by Mayor Perkins does not address the number one problem in Selma: crime and the need for the City to protect the life and liberty of its citizens. It is unclear how much, if any, of the Information Technology item will be given to the Selma Police Department. More importantly, is the Department presently equipped to use vast amounts of technology?

          We also believe that Dr. Williamson's statement that the Bond Issue is an effort by the Mayor to keep the General Fund solvent has merit. We note that the Bond Issue will transfer almost $1,000,000 in payments from the General Fund to the Bond Issue proceeds. These are the payments for the 7000 garbage carts, trucks, and street vacs which the city purchased on a five year plan a few years ago. The garbage system was suppose to pay for itself, BUT THE CITY HAS OVER $700,000 IN UNCOLLECTED GARBAGE FEES and the garbage system is actually a drain on the General Fund. To prevent the General Fund from going bankrupt, the City must move items out of the General Fund to the Bond Issue proceeds. City officials hope that Bond Issue projects such as a movie theatre and trolley will generate money for the General Fund while being paid for by the Bond Issue. The need to save the General Fund has become more urgent in light of the $141,000 DEFICIT IN SALES TAX REVENUES THIS FISCAL YEAR COMPARED TO THE LAST FISCAL YEAR.

          WE URGE ALL SELMA RESIDENTS TO GO TO THE POLLS NEXT TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, AND VOTE AGAINST THE BOND ISSUE! Then we suggest the City Council present us a Bond Issue where we can vote on individual items.