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GOVERNOR ROBERT BENTLEY for appointing someone to the Dallas County Board of Registrars to replace SYNETHIA (C.C.) PERKINS PETTAWAY. The sister of former Mayor James Perkins, Jr., Synethia has done more to corrupt the voting rolls in Selma and Dallas County than anyone who has ever served on the Board. Through her incompetence and design, both Selma and Dallas County now have on the voting rolls MORE PEOPLE THAN THE CENSUS BUREAU SAYS WE HAVE 18 YEARS OR OLDER. To not purge the voting rolls, leads to voter fraud. She has permitted people who live in the county to change their voting place to the City to vote for her brother. By not removing people who no longer live here from the voting rolls, Synethia has permitted Freedom Foundation Cult members living in Georgia, Colorado and Virginia to vote in city elections. Thanks to Governor Bentley for taking a step to correct this injustice by not reappointing Perkins-Pettaway to the Board!

DR. CECIL WILLIAMSON for his tribute to deceased Mayor Joe Smitherman at the recent council meeting. We recorded the meeting and think we have transcribed his remarks accurately. His remarks were especially appropriate since he delivered them on the night that former Mayor Perkins was at the council meeting grandstanding, political posturing and trying to embarrass Mayor Evans about the city dump on of Highway 80. Williamson said:

“The date that long time city employee Mrs. Elizabeth Draggers passed was the same date six years ago that former Mayor Joe Smitherman died. What I respected about Mayor Smitherman was the gracious way he acted toward the man who had defeated him in the 2000 election. As far as I know, he did all he could to make the transition for his successor a smooth transition."

After his successor came into office, Mayor Smitherman withdrew from public life and was seldom seen or heard from publicly. As far as I c an remember, he made few if any public comments about his successor. After he was defeated, he did not publicly bash the man who had defeated him. He did not demean the policies of his successor nor did he trash his own city in an effort to make his successor looked bad. Mayor Smitherman kept quiet and wished the best for the city he loved and for the man who defeated him. He did not wage a three or four year campaign trying to get the office back. He knew that his time had past and the voters had spoken.

He never appeared before the City Council to try to embarrass and harass his successor nor did he try to undermine him whenever possible. He was not vicious or vindictive toward him. He only wished the best for Selma. After he was defeated, Mayor Smitherman gave us an example of how a defeated Mayor should conduct himself. For that, I remember him on this 6th anniversary of his passing”

TO THE MANY PEOPLE who have offered to contribute toward our Billboards mentioned in our last post. We believe we have enough money not only to erect the billboards exposing Leashore and Crenshaw for stealing from the Water Board by taking money they did not deserve, but we have enough to include a Billboard about Councilman Sam Randolph who also took money he was not entitled to from the Water Board. It is evident to us that most people in Selma do not believe what they hear on HATE RADIO 105.3 and that they certainly do not believe the lies of a known thief and philander-the very idea of shooting into the house of his girl friend! Does the defeated and disgraced Leashore think this is the wild west?

We wondered why Leashore and Crenshaw were so anxious to get back on the Water Board. MONEY! With being overpaid almost $100,000.00 as members of the Water Board plus the $58,000 in council salary that Leashore lost when he was turned out of office and the $30,000 Crenshaw and Leashore received legally as board members plus some 20 (yes 20) trips that Leashore and Crenshaw took as members of the Water Board at a cost of well over $60,000.00, we estimate that not being on the Council is costing Leashore about $110,000.00 over this four year period and by Crenshaw not being on the Water Board, it is costing her over $100,000.00 in legal and illegal salary over this four year period. No wonder they are on HATE RADIO 105.3 trying to get themselves elected or re-elected and get Perkins elected as Mayor. The taxpayers of Selma simply can NOT afford to have any of them in any positions of public trust!

TO THE VOTERS OF WARD 3 for electing a hard working Selma native, Greg Bjelke, as our councilman. We knew what we were doing when we voted for Greg and kept Cult Member Gwen Brown from being elected, Greg is doing a great job as our councilman and we encourage him to keep up the good work.