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          Congratulations to Kimesha Alvarado for calling out the liar Johnnie Leashore, Bennie Ruthless Crenshaw and Frances Coles for talking about Kimesha on HATE RADIO 105.3. What follows began with the liar Leashore and Coles accusing B. J. Smothers (of the Mayor’s office) of putting uncomplimentary statements about Crenshaw and Coles on Alvarado’s Face book page on June 16.

          After hearing this, we went to Ms. Alvarado’s page for June 16. What we found was that Leashore had lied again. There was NO posting by Ms. Smothers on the page; HOWEVER, WHAT WE FOUND WERE SOME PROFOUND STATEMENTS ABOUT LEASHORE, CRENSHAW, COLES, AND THE FREEDOM FOUNDATION, which are quoted verbatim below:

…sometimes you have to get dirty…that two faced heifer (Crenshaw) be all in my face (2 yrs) shining and grinning…so please let me be me…and they have discussed my personal business on a 50000 Watt radio station for the past 3 years…so like I said…give her fat stealing ole lady’s checks something to talk about.

“she (Crenshaw) says I have no morals…she took that ole lady $50 check and added another zero…u wanna talk morals…pay the water board back…”

“the disgraceful and rejected crackhead of the black and I’m proud Jonny Leashore…crack is whack! The citizens of Ward 6 knew your secret and voted u out…”

“crack is whack! Frances Hobbs Coles…Johnny Leashore…crack is whack…play the tape! I’m saying it again”

“Johnny Crackhead Leashore…is whack..just like crack!…”

“…it kills me how these grassroots scavengers (The Freedom Foundation) come together in Selma in the name of Social Justice (cough) profit”

“…Bennie been throwing a lot of rocks and hiding her hand…every week…I am personally attacked..

“yet they (Freedom Foundation) are the next Jim Jones of the world…”

“Benny (Crenshaw) been popping off at the mouth,,,she round here stealing…talking about her own pastor…and supporting a Jesus denying cult…and that heifer has the audacity to judge me. She needs to worry about the crack heads she campaign for. And pay the water board back”

“Even my baby knows we don’t need a cult on City Council…Wade is saying NO TO REAL CULT LEADER GWEN BROWN…ME NO WANT YOUR KOOLAID”

“Francis Dianne Hobbs “immacrackhead2” Coles, how is it you left your husband for a woman in New Orleans and she didn’t even want…”

“Johnny (Leashore) why did you forge your mama’s last will and testament..u a die hard thief…mama’s property and cheese! Crackhead moves Johnny”

“Johnny stop acting like dem pain meds got you going 90 in a 15 MPH zone…we have known your little secret for years now. Darkness will always be eliminated!”

“And by the way, you tell your koolaid pushing friends of yours GWEN BROWN AND MARK DUKE…”I bet u guys wish we never lied on Sunshine and why we let that musty Bishop of Funk to ever convince them to try and sue Sunshine…think it over next time…you religious pimps”

          The things on this Face Book page were a revelation to us! There was much more said about Crenshaw, Leashore, Coles and the Freedom Foundation cult which could NOT be printed on a family site such as ours. Maybe the haters over at HATE RADIO 105.3 need to leave Ms. Alvarado alone.

RIOTS IN ENGLAND: We thought the following from the London Telegraph newspaper was so profound and so appropriate to what has also happened in America that we want to share it with you.

The Telegraph wrote:

          “It (the riots) is the result of a major cultural shift that took place in the 1960s and 1970s and the long term decline in conservative values and institutions that underpinned British society since the late 19th century. This process was marked by the collapse in the belief in marriage, a retreat of the police from the streets, a move away from tough penalties for property crime, the rise of moral relativism and rampant consumerism, the diminution of stigma as a restraint on bad behavior and the entrenchment of welfare dependency”

PHILADELPHIA’S AFRICAN-AMERICAN MAYOR: After a flash mob of youths created a riot and began looting in Philadelphia, the city’s African-American Mayor Michael Nutter had this to say to the thugs, WHICH COULD BE SAID TO A FEW THUGS HERE IN SELMA:

          “You’ve damaged your own race. Take those God-darn hoodies down. Pull your pants up and buy a belt because no one wants to see your underwear or the cracks in your butt. You walk into somebody’s office with your hair uncombed and a pick in the back and your shoes untied and your pants half down, tattoos up and down your arms and on your neck, and you wonder why somebody won’t hire you. They don’t hire you cause you look like you’re crazy.”

          Incisive people from Kimesha Alvarado to the London Telegraph to Mayor Nutter are speaking the truth. Hopefully people in Selma are listening!