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Time for you to reply to us with what you think.

We have just been informed that the Mayor has implemented a HIRING FREEZE! A hiring freeze is where no matter who leaves, no matter who retires, no matter what, the job slot that they are leaving will not be one will be hired to take their place! Now, you tell us, why do you think it has been implemented:

A) A Political Move ( For whatever reason )

B) Crenshaw Block ( Did they tell him to )

C) Lack of Money ( To meet payroll for the ones still there )

D) Your own reason ( If you choose "D", the e-mail should state the letter "D" and your reason )

Send your Reply to us at and on Wednesday, February 7th, we will post the results of this survey. Looking forward to getting your input. NOW WE SEE WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT IT.