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Recently submitted letter:

          Why would our dear State Senator take 5 million dollars away from the education budget earmarked for the Alabama Fire College and move it to a foundation that doesn't even exist? With all the troubles being revealed in the 2 year college program, with the former executive director of the Alabama Fire College sitting on a 37 count Federal Indictment, with the former Chancellor of the Two Year College System facing charges, all having to do with special favors, stealing money, using state and federal funds for personal usage and Senator Sanders adds a last minute amendment to the Education budget last week taking 3/4 of the Alabama Fire Colleges Budget. He won't say why or whom asked him to do so, his only comment is "That's what they wanted" yet refuses to disclose who "they" are. This type of "Good Ol Boy" politics must come to an end. I am amazed that we live in a time and a place where politicians can vote themselves a 60% pay raise, to hell with what the voters may want and at the same time "OUR" representatives can't handle the peoples business without punching one another.
          Locally business can't be handled in an adult way. What does it say about the elected officials, hired to handle the business of the people without fighting like 5 year olds. It is an absolute embarrassment to this city this county and this state. It amazes me secondly that people let such embarrassing people represent them. What does it take for "constituents" get enough of this clown court we call city and state leaders.
          Not only is it time for our so called city leaders to be gone but it is time for a change in our state representatives. These people (City Council, Mayor, State Senators and State Representative) to step aside or be voted out of office. This city is being held hostage long enough. A very successful acquaintance of mine says all the time,"If you always do whatcha always done, you'll always get what cha always got."
          Isn't everyone about tired of what we have? Tired of looking all around us and seeing other communities getting new business, new life and new opportunities?
          I for one am tired of it and i would personally vote for Forest Gump if he would run for Mayor, City Council or State Senator. But odds are he won't so hopefully someone will that actually cares for the people who hired them. You see Hank Sanders, even if you disreguard all the ethics investigations, self serving favors, political mumbo jumbo he spews out in Montgomery has forgotten one thing. He was hired to do a job. Represent the people of Dallas County and surrounding areas. Mayor Perkins and the "City Council" we all hired to do a job. To represent the people of Selma Alabama. They all too have forgotten the Ssame thing Hank Sanders forgot. All of you were hired to do a job and you can be fired. Thats right you can be fired. So stand forewarned. It's about time for your next job evaluation. And as I see it none of your "contracts" should be renewed. It's time for people to stand up and find some new people that understand they are thier to represent the good of all and not to see how they can control this or control that, or line thier own pockets with cash, favors, trips and this board or that committee.