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          This email was sent to us with a request to print it. Read on and see how people are treated when they have an opinion other than that of the Mayor and his cronies.

          I have attended several City Council Meetings over the last 3 or 4 months. I am very interested in the city process of government. I am a long time citizen and advocate of the City of Selma. I care about what happens to this city now…and in the future. It is very disheartening to see what is being pulled over the citizens’ eyes in the wake of election season. I can honestly say we, the citizens, need a major change in administration to better this city.

          To preface this situation, I would like to say that I was a victim of an armed robbery at the Shell Station beside the old YMCA on Broad Street. This situation happened shortly after I was in route home from a City Council Meeting. The irony of the situation is the Mayor was saying how things were looking up and never made one mention of the numerous robbery’s and the disgusting staff shortage in our police force. As I was walking out of this particular meeting, I was having a conversation with a very close friend from my childhood….who happens to be an African American Female. We were discussing the current situation in Selma and what happened to me just a few weeks before. As we were in mid conversation, Synethia Pettaway (C.C. Baby Sister) made it a point to interrupt me and my friend. Not only did she interrupt me, she was trying to coax my friend away to the next room. She said that “Carver” didn’t need to talk to me because I’m a racist. First of all, she doesn’t know me, nor does she know anything about me. Her ignorant comment was based on the fact that I had summoned some supporters to rally against the BOND ISSUE. We feel there are too many discrepancies and open ended figures in this bond. We feel the city would benefit more with a fully staffed police force rather than video cameras to sit and watch the thugs and crime pillage our community. The city of Selma has NO business being in the movie business either. We feel there are qualified city officials, or lack there of, to sell this community to a “Rave” or “Cobb” Theater Chain. Mrs. C.C. took it upon herself to banish me as a racist because of my political view against the mayor. She also said “That I deserved to be robbed because I was holding up those signs”. As for her, those signs said that “We need cops, not cameras”. As for anyone to say that an individual deserves to be involved in an armed robbery is on the brink of delusional grandeur. Mrs. C.C. also assumed that I lived in an all white neighborhood too. Why? Because I am white? That’s about the same notion as because people live in Valley Grande…they must be white and against Selma. That’s grossly incorrect too. Just so you know C.C., I live in the “City of Selma”. My neighborhood is just as black as it is white. That’s the beauty of living within the city. You have the opportunity to live within a diverse community of all races, religion, cultures and belief systems. It’s only people such as yourself that are hung up on simple minded notions and beliefs. You fit in just right with the others up at city hall. Ignorance never prevails. Neither do hypocrites. I am a member of the Selma/Dallas County Think Tank and I’m on the Board for the Selma/Dallas County United Way. Again, I am an advocate of the City of Selma. It is my God given right and choice to affiliate with whomever and whatever I choose. Competition breeds success. If we didn’t challenge this current administration or system, we would probably be in worse shape than we are now. God bless you and your feeble mind.

          Greg Brown