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The harassment and sexual harassment of black women employees by Police Chief Jimmy Martin MUST BE STOPPED IMMEDIATELY!! Martin's conduct is creating a hostile work environment and will subject the City to more lawsuits and EEOC complaints.

We were impressed by the courage of one of these black employees, Ms. Clarissa Cole, who had the courage to come forward at the City Council meeting to expose Martin for what he is. Immediately and predictably, Mayor Perkins, Crenshaw, and Leashore, instead of dealing with the problem, attacked this young black woman. REMEMBER, SHE IS THE VICTIM!

WE WONDER WHY THE CRENSHAW 4 WILL NOT HELP THEIR OWN PEOPLE (African-Americans) who have legitimate complaints about Martin and the inept manner in which the Selma Police Department is run. Instead of helping their own people, Crenshaw, Leashore, Randolph, and Venter, are such SLAVES to Mayor Perkins that they always reject the employee's point of view if IT reflects on their beloved Police Chief and Mayor. HOW MUCH LONGER will the black community in Selma put up with their blind loyalty to the Mayor and Chief while they neglect helping their own people who are City employees?

We admire Ms. Cole and hope people understand how much courage it took for her to EXPOSE CHIEF MARTIN FOR HARRASSING HER AND CREATING A HOSTILE WORK ENVIRONMENT by ridiculous and paranoid actions such as telling employees they could not talk to one another. If Martin wants any respect from department employees, he must earn it - he sure can't command it by writing employees up for talking to one another or going to lunch together - as he has done! HOW MUCH MORE IDIOCY is the Mayor going to put up with before he gets a real police chief?

We know there are numerous employees in the Police Department who have the same complaints and even more grievous complaints against Martin with the harrassment, disrespect, and incompetence that Martin has shown toward them. ONE WORD OF WARNING: DO NOT tell the Crenshaw 4 anything - it will not do any good - they will immediately report what you said to the Mayor and Chief! Find some other Council members to speak to about what Martin is doing to you, and more importantly, what his incompetence is doing to Selma.

And we have a word for Detectives Toriano Neely and Mamie Hale: HOW ABOUT QUIT RATTING ON YOUR FELLOW EMPLOYEES AND QUIT BEING SLAVES TO MARTIN. Do your jobs and solve some of these robberies and burglaries plaguing our City! Neely, we know Martin calls you 24/7 to write up your fellow employees and squeal on them. BE A MAN AND TELL HIM WHERE HE CAN GO! IS ANY JOB WORTH SELLING AND LOSING YOUR SOUL FOR? Neely, you know from your Army experience, that NO ONE LIKES A RAT!

Employees, it is time to rise up NOW that Ms. Cole has taken this public stand - which could cost her job! Speak out now against harassment and sexual harassment by you know who!