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          We continue to be appalled that HATE RADIO 105.3 and the self-proclaimed bishop Franklin Fortier continued to peddle their mind destroying garbage on primarily the African-American population of Selma and the Black Belt. Fortier’s latest hero is the COLD BLOODED MURDERER Mumia Abu-Jamal (born Wesley Cook in 1954). Fortier, whom we consider a Marxist anarchist who has tried to incite some kind of riot in Selma since he came from Chicago, has announced that he will begin reading from a book by Jamal and Mark Lamont Hill.

          WHO IS ABU-JAMAL, whom Fortier calls a “political prisoner”? By 1981, when he MURDERED Philadelphia Police Officer Daniel Faulkner on December 9, 1981, Jamal was married to his third wife, Wayida, had been a member of the Black Panther Party in both Philadelphia and Oakland, loved communist leader Mao Zedong and especially his quote that “political power grows out of the barrel of a gun”, was active in the Marijuana Users Association of America, and was driving a taxi cab when his younger brother, William, was pulled over for a routine traffic stop by Officer Faulkner. At the time, Jamal was parked across the street, got out of his cab, ran across the street and murdered Faulkner in cold blood. A 38 caliber Charter Arms Revolver with five spent cartridges were found next to Abu-Jamal. He was convicted of murder in 1982. For the past 30 YEARS his every appeal at every court level, all the way to the United States Supreme Court, to overturn his conviction and death sentence have been DENIED by every court at every level. He presently is in a Pennsylvania prison sentenced to life without parole for MURDER. While in prison, he continues to be a regular contributor to the Germany communist magazine, Junge Welt.

          This unsavory character another of Fortier’s hero. Thanks to HATE RADIO and Fortier, Jamal’s Marxist teachings will now be fostered on unsuspecting persons in Selma and the Black Belt.

          There are many reasons we believe HATE RADIO 105.3 should be taken off of the air. We urge everyone to contact the Federal Communications Commission and file a complaint about the nature and content of the some programs aired on Hate Radio. Contact information for the FCC was in our recent post. We also encourage everyone to contact the few advertisers of 105.3 and remind them that there are other places to spend your money in this area.

ANOTHER LEASHORE LIE: Why should that surprise anyone. While commenting on the death of Selma industrialist Larry Striplin, Leashore could not resist the temptation to try to score points for his puppet master, the ex-mayor James Perkins, Jr. Rather than a sincere tribute to Striplin, who did much for Selma, Leashore had to launch into another lie regarding Perkins’ efforts to buy some 100 acres for the city from Striplin. The land is located behind the old Wal Mart on Highland Avenue. We talked to two former council members about this. AS USUAL THE FACTS ARE NOT CLOSE TO ANYTHING LEASHORE SAID. Perkins proposed to buy the land for ONE MILLION DOLLARS. Leashore’s lie was that the city had the money to buy the land. The FACT is that Perkins proposed that the city BORROW the money and defer the first payment for more than a year. ANYONE WHO WANTS TO KNOW THE TRUTH-that group obviously doesn’t include Leashore who would rather climb a tree and tell a lie than stand on the ground and tell the truth-CAN READ THE MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF OCTOBER 16, 2006. Perkins proposed that the city pay $30,000 an acre for 10 acres of the land and approximately $6800 an acre for the remaining approximately 90-100 acres for a total of One Million. The interesting fact about that difference was that all of the land had the same zoning, so some council members wondered why the difference in the cost. LEASHORE AND THE OTHER THREE PUPPETS ON THE COUNCIL, Venter, Crenshaw and Randolph, voted for the purchase and rejected the idea of having public input before the purchase about the use for the land. Fortunately for the taxpayers of Selma, council members Cain, Allen, Evans, Williamson and Martin voted against paying One Million dollars for land the city did not need, with money the city did not have, for uses that no one knew. THIS KIND OF PROPOSAL IS ANOTHER REASON WHY PERKINS MUST NOT BE ELECTED MAYOR AGAIN!

          IF THAT DOESN’T SCARE the voters of Selma, remember the voodoo economics in the PERKINS BOND ISSUE. The then mayor put a bond issue to a public vote in Selma in February, 2008, (6 months before his run for re-election). His Bond Issue called for the first repayment on the $12.5 million issue to be in February, 2009, in the amount of TWO MILLION DOLLARS-THAT’S RIGHT…THE CITY WOULD HAVE HAD TO REPAY $2 MILLION ON FEBRUARY 1, 2009. Do you know what would have happened if the city had passed that Bond Issue and had to pay that much money in 2009? THE CITY WOULD HAVE BEEN BANKRUPT because the bottom fell out of the economy in the Fall of 2008. WHEN Mayor Evans took office on November 1, 2008, he had to ask all elected officials and city employees except police and fire personnel to take a 12 ½% pay cut just to make ends meet. Perkins’ projected bond repayment of $2 million on the following February 1 would have bankrupted the city.

          Another part of the Perkins Bond Issue was that it was to be repaid THROUGH 2032---23 YEARS. The interest rate on his bonds could have been as high as 7% according to the terms presented to Selma voters. Over 23 years the $12.5 million would have cost almost $28 MILLION to repay. The Perkins supporters, especially his mouthpiece, Leashore, want the people of Selma to believe that there was no difference in the Bond Issue proposed by Perkins and the one proposed by Mayor Evans. THERE WERE MAJOR DIFFERENCES in how long they were to be repaid, how much it would have cost the people of Selma to repay them, the way the items were voted on, as well as items included in the issue. THE PERKINS BOND ISSUE WAS COMPLETELY IRRESPONSIBLE FINANCIALLY. Thankfully, the people of Selma had the good sense to see this and defeated it AND PERKINS AND LEASHORE AT THE POLLS. If for no other reason-and there are many other reasons-Perkins and Leashore should never be elected to public office in Selma again!

          THERE IS a major battle looming among the Perkins supporters. The City must redraw the council district lines in the next three months. We think it ironic that this comes about because of the Voting Right Acts which discriminates against Selma and all or parts of 16 other states by requiring Selma to get permission from the U.S. Justice Department for any changes in voting district lines. Cities not in the 16 areas or states DO NOT have to get permission from Washington to change district lines, move polling places, change requirements for voting, but SELMA DOES. We understand that there is sufficient support on the City Council to adopt a redistricting plan that will move Johnnie Leashore from Ward 6 to Ward 5. This move is necessary because the population, again than to the Justice Department, of the wards can not vary more than 5% from the average. This would pit LEASHORE AGAINST SAM RANDOLPH. We are reliably told that Bennie Ruthless Crenshaw has already told Sam that she will be supporting LEASHORE. Hopefully, with the beating Councilman Randolph’s sister, Ms. O, has been taking from Leashore and Crenshaw that Sam’s eyes will finally be opened to who his real enemies are!