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*Where is the Police Department Evaluation?

*Where is the report from the ABI concerning police abuse?

*Who is the "mold specialist" that the King's office said inspected the police department?

*Why are the citizens allowing "their" Water Board to spend so much money to deny Councilperson Allen her rightful seat?

*Why is the King's brother-in-law, Attorney Pettaway, the attorney for the Water Board?

*Where is the information the Council requested from the Water Board a year ago?

*Why would a "pastor" take exception to a group of people publicly praying for our city?

*Why would the King's sister, Synethia Pettaway, Attorney Pettaway's wife, be a registrar for the King's election?

*Why is TrustBuild funded by the money the City refuses to use for the hiring of police officers?

*Why have the majority of the "early college students" not passed the High School Exit Exam?

*Why has Selma steadily decreased in population since 2001?

*Why is the King allowed to campaign in our Council Meetings?

*Why does the King only work Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday?

*Why should the Water Board be paid so much money when its pay has not been authorized by the Council?

*Why should Leashore be paid $25,000.00 a year for a full time position when he is employed full time at DHR?

*Why does the Mayor of a city of 19,000 deserve $110,000.00 a year salary?

*Why does the School Board think that swapping principles will solve the gigantic problems at Selma High School?

*Why does the 105.3 radio station continue to upset this City with racist remarks when, by his own omission, black people have asked him to back-off?

*Why was Attorney Rose Touré treated the way she was in the King's Courtroom?

*Why did it take so long for Senator Sanders to see the King for what he is?

*Why have so many lawsuits been levied against our City in the last seven years?

*Why have we lost so many of the lawsuits despite hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees?

*Do we need a full time City Attorney?

*Why does the Crenshaw Block feel the City Attorney is their personal attorney?

*Why did the King divide our citizens by throwing a smokescreen of a new high school into his "fantastic" land deal?