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          Although the Times-Journal took a cheap shot at this website in its editorial on Tuesday, January 6, we highly recommend the editorial to you. The STJ has exposed the lie and myth behind one of Bennie Ruthless Crenshaw's and Johnnie Leashore's make believe characters, Willie Lynch. First, we point out that city hall sources have told us that it was the pathetic, disgraced, and defeated ex-council member Leashore who passed out the scurrilous piece of yellow journalism from the Southern Poverty Law Center which trashed our city.

          This piece of hate journalism toward Selma had attached to it the Leashore-Crenshaw flier about Willie Lynch. As the STJ pointed out, the entire Willie Lynch letter of past years was a fake. No one by that name ever existed except in the imaginations of mindless individuals such as Ruthless and Leashore, who divide the community. Interestingly, it was a historian at Spelman College who, years ago, disproved the Willie Lynch letter.

          Spelman College was financed by John D. Rockefeller and named for his wife Laura Spelman and her sister Lucy, a spinster who lived with John D. and Laura for the last 60 years of her life. The Rockefeller interest and money made Spelman the prettiest and richest of the Negro colleges in Atlanta. Thus, it is significant that at this college, an eminent historian debunked the whole Willie Lynch myth. The next time you hear Ruthless refer to Willie Lynch or see the pathetic Leashore pass out literature referring to Willie Lynch, be aware that they are either ignorant of their own history or do not care to know the truth.

          This brings us to the Prayer Vigil Monday night. Despite the rain, some 250-300 people attended the completely non-political event which involved believers from all across the political, social, and racial spectrum of Selma. NOTICEABLY ABSENT WERE COUNCIL MEMBERS CRENSHAW AND RANDOLPH. We do not understand how these individuals can expect our city to prosper, unite, and move forward without the cooperation of its elected officials. We surely do not understand what kind of man Randolph is supposed to be when he lets Crenshaw dominate and tell him what to do. It seems to us that Sam's wife could put some fire in his gut and tell him to start thinking and acting for himself and for his constituents in Ward 5 rather than being subservient to Ruthless Crenshaw. The Prayer Vigil is an excellent place to begin to heal the city and stop the violence. We hope everyone will attend the next vigil ON THE FIRST MONDAY IN FEBRUARY.

          The City government faces difficult financial times this year. Most all of the money in the General Fund was spent during the last six months of the previous administration. Sales tax revenues are already down more than $115,000 for October and November compared to last year when revenues were down from the previous year. The city government has less money and less money is anticipated to come in than in the previous year. We had 10 murders last year. Robberies and thefts are rampant. There is enough blame to go around for conditions in our once lovely city. It can be lovely again. It seems to us that prayer is the place to begin.