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          Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. The conniving little man Leashore’s organization CITIZENS FOR GOOD GOVERNMENT has copies our request that Leashore be pardoned for any and all of his crimes.

          Citizens for Good Government has added a couple of more egregious acts committed by Leashore in their resolution, are asking people to sign it and take it by HATE RADIO 105.3. Apparently the numerous complaints filed with the FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION about the biased and the hate filled programs on 105.3 has gotten the attention of the station’s management. LEASHORE HAS BEEN TAKEN OFF THE AIR; HOWEVER, he is such a megalomaniac that he continues to speak on the new HATE PROGRAM TRUE SELMA. Although the idea to pardon Leashore for any and all crimes he committed came from us, we do not object to people signing the petition below to get a pardon for Leashore.

          The Street Committee is saying that copies of this Petition are being distributed throughout Selma. We urge people to sign them and take them by HATE RADIO 105.3 to be delivered by them to Mayor Evans. We know Mayor Evans to be a just man who will do the right thing.


          WHEREAS, the Mayor of a municipality has the power to issue pardons to those convicted of crimes in the Municipal Court of the municipality; and,

          WHEREAS, Johnnie Leashore was arrested for shooting into an occupied dwelling, namely, the residence of his girl friend; and,

          WHEREAS, Johnnie Leashore was summarily dismissed from his position with the Community Action Agency for questionable and perhaps criminal activity; and,

          WHEREAS, Johnnie Leashore was arrested and convicted for speeding through the streets of Selma in the middle of the night at speeds of over 100 m.p.h. in his pajamas; and,

          WHEREAS, Johnnie Leashore is said to have forged part or all of the Last Will and Testament of his brother, Bogart, in order to steal his brother Calvin’s part of Bogart’s estate; and,

          WHEREAS, Johnnie Leashore did threaten to shoot a fellow council member in the head; and,

          WHEREAS, Johnnie Leashore did steal, according to the State Examiners of Public Accounts, more than $40,000 from the taxpayers of Selma by taking money to which he was not entitled while on the Selma Water Board; and,

          WHEREAS, the Good Book says “if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst give him drink” and “be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good”; and,

          THEREFORE, be it resolved, that I respectfully urge Mayor George Evans, in a spirit of magnanimity, to forthwith and publicly PARDON JOHNNIE LEASHORE of any and all criminal convictions in the Municipal Court of the City of Selma.


Please sign this petition and take it by Z105.3 OR MAIL IT TO 105.3 AT 1501 CHESTNUT BLVD. AND ASK THEM TO DELIVER IT TO MAYOR EVANS.