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Mark Duke and his House of God cult are race pimps-individuals who use race for their own personal and financial gain. They also have no firm principles, but do what is expedient for the moment. Think back to when they first invaded Selma. Both Mark and Gwen Brown talked about being Republicans and they dealt exclusively with the white community. When they made the fatal mistake of backing Perkins for Mayor, they lost whatever white support they had; consequently, they now deal exclusively with Selma's black community.

The cult has shown itself to be not only unprincipled, but characterized by ingratitude. On HATE RADIO 105.3, and their program fits right in with HATE RADIO, they now viciously attack the very people who initially welcomed them to Selma. Recent recipients of their hateful and vile speech include District Judge Bob Armstrong, businessman John Nettles, and WHBB station owner Mike Reynolds-all of whom were friendly toward Duke and his cult initially. The "sin" of these men in the eyes of the self-righteous and self-centered false prophet Mark Duke, as well as the self-appointed bishop Fortier, and the hate filled Johnnie Leashore, is that these men belong to the Selma Country Club and sent their children to Morgan Academy.

While the city sees an increase in violence, crime, unemployment and illegitimacy (REAL PROBLEMS), Duke and his Colorado minions and local fellow travelers waste time talking about non-existent racism. About 95% of the people in Selma, black and white, get along with one another and want the town to progress. IF THERE IS RACISM AND RACE PIMPING IN SELMA, it is concentrated on your radio dial at hate radio 105.3.

WHY would anyone listen to someone like Mark Duke who has a legal wife and at least two spiritual wives. CAN YOU SPELL FORNICATOR AND ADULTERER?? What unmitigated gall for someone with his personal lack of morality and integrity- and whose CULT HAS CAUSED AT LEAST 10 DIVORCES AMONG HIS FOLLOWERS- to come here and tell us how we should love our lives!

IF YOU REALLY want to know what Duke believes, go to and listen to the tapes of Duke's sermons. Any discerning Christian would shut his or her ears when this false prophet begins to speak. And we can only assume that misguided preachers like Ezekiel Pettaway, Ronald Smith and James Perkins, Jr. must believe the same things as Duke because they have allied themselves with him.

AND WHAT ABOUT HATE RADIO 105.3? People continue to ask why Hank Sanders does not do something about his station. While he supposedly is working diligently with Team Selma to bring industry to our area, HIS STATION is driving people away from the area. Certainly any industrial prospect who happened to hear the HATE on 105.3 would locate as far away from Selma as they could. We know we would if we were looking for a place to locate a business. It seems to us that whites who play footsie with Sanders would speak to him ABOUT THE DAMAGE HE AND HATE RADIO ARE DOING TO INDUSTRY SEEKING EFFORTS IN THIS COUNTY!

And speaking of HATE- when are Johnnie Leashore and Ruthless Crenshaw going to pay back the $100,000.00 THEY STOLE FROM THE WATER BOARD-according to the State Examiners of Public Accounts?

The citizens of Selma and Dallas County need to realize that there is a war going on here between the race pimps, haters and baiters and the good citizens, black and white, in our county and city. This conflict was started by and is being fueled by the invasion of Duke and his Colorado cronies and Hate Radio 105.3, owned by the Sanders and Chestnuts. The weapons being used by the race pimps and haters are vile lies, half-truths, personal attacks, vicious racist propaganda, and innocent children. The outcome of the war hangs in the balance, and depending on the outcome, the future of the city also hangs in the balance.

The latest place under attack is the 150 or so members of the Selma Country Club. We do not belong to the country club, but the country club is NOT the problem here in Selma. Remember how Duke and his hypocrites ranted and raved about integrating Morgan Academy. One would have thought that if Morgan Academy integrated, Selma would suddenly become the beloved community and a utopia of peace, love and progress. So Morgan Academy decided to integrate. IT DID NOT CHANGE OR IMPROVE ONE CONDITION IN SELMA. It did not create one job. It did not stop one crime. It did not prevent one violent act. It did not decrease illegitimacy. The same is true of the Country Club. If it integrated tomorrow, NOT ONE THING would change or be better than it is today. These self-righteous hypocrites should get the mote out of their eyes before they try to conform everyone else to their standards, or lack thereof, of morality.

And one final word about CHILDREN. Please understand that historically, ALL EDUCATION in this country was PRIVATE, and generally was church related. The earliest universities in this country such as Harvard, Yale and Williams and Mary were ALL BEGUN as PRIVATE institutions with a Christian concept. However, the point`is, that OUR CHILDREN ARE A HERITAGE OR GIFT FROM THE LORD. We answer to Him alone- not to the government and certainly not to the village- about our stewardship of how we raise our children. Children belong to PARENTS, not to the government and not to the village. If we think a private school in this city is the best place for our children to receive the best education available, then we should make the sacrifices to send them to a private school. Why do you think black churches in the city such as Ellwood and Tabernacle of Praise are beginning church related Christian schools-because they know that Christian education is the best option for children to be educated the way the Lord wants us to raise our children, and again, we answer only it Him about where our children attend school-NOT TO RACE PIMPS like Mark Duke and his misguided minions from the mountains!