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(1) When the City Council declared some old garbage dumpsters "surplus" so that the dumpsters could be sold? How much cash did the Public Works employee receive from the recycling center for the City dumpsters? What did he do with the cash, because we can not find a record where it was ever turned in to the City Treasurer? If you know the answers to any of these questions, PLEASE email us. There are two potential problems here. First, City property can not be sold UNLESS the City Council declares it surplus and secondly, what happened to the cash received for the dumpsters? We understand that the dumpsters brought well over $1,000.00.

(2) Did the Crenshaw 4 (Crenshaw, Leashore, Randolph, and Venter) actually give nearly $6,000 of City funds to CHAT Academy to funnel the money to Ben Hill School in Jackson, Mississippi, so that the Ben Hill Band, WHICH INCLUDES JOHNNY LEASHORE'S GRANDAUGHTER, could pay their expenses to come to Selma to march in the Christmas Parade this past December? Did the Crenshaw 4 first try to funnel this money through Selma High, but were turned down by the principal and then approached CHAT Academy about being the conduit to send almost $6,000 to Jackson, Mississippi? Why does the Selma City School Board permit someone at CHAT to continue to be employed if they did that? Does anyone know if this happened? Please let us know!

(3) What is the excuse from the Finance/Tax Collectors Office when an individual pays his property tax towards the end of December and his check is not deposited and clears his bank until the middle of March? Why are deposits not made daily by this office? Why hold people's checks for weeks? And what is happening to the payments which are being made by cash?

(4) What is the excuse from the Finance/Tax Collectors office when an individual pays his property tax toward the end of December and his check has not cleared his bank by the end of December and his check has not cleared his bank by the end of January and he goes to the Tax Collectors Office to see what the problem is? He is told that they can not find his check, although he has a receipt for his payment. After a week or so, his check is located in the desk of one of Mayor Perkins' flunkies in the Tax Collectors Office. We know which flunky it was who had the check in his desk, but are more concerned about the incompetence than about the individual's name.

(5) Who is getting the 10% kickback from a local parts dealer (we know the company's name) for the parts the City is buying from the dealer. The dealer has a long history of giving those who purchase from him, a 10% CASH kickback. If you buy $500 in parts, you get $50 back in cash. Call it a kickback, discount, or rebate or whatever name you put on it, we want to know who is getting the 10% back in cash for the parts the City is buying. We are pleased to report that another local parts dealer was approached by a City employee about the same arrangement, but turned it down.

(6) Why the $1,560 check (below) was given by the City to the Selma Youth Development Center? We are told the money was for Meshawn Hunter, a TrustBuild worker. We want to know how she can work FULL TIME at TrustBuild and still have time to do this much work for the Selma Youth Development Center? Our source in the City Finance Department who furnished us this check tells us that 43 checks - YES 43 CHECKS - for $900 each were written from the City to the SYDC during the past fiscal year. We want to know if other TrustBuild workers were also being paid through the SYDC and IF THEY DID ANY WORK FOR THE MONEY? And if the checks were not for TrustBuild workers, who were they for? If you can furnish this information, please email us. WE WANT TO KNOW!