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Just when we thought it was safe to assume that Selma was making progress, who should appear on HATE RADIO 105.3 on a regular basis but the perennial politician, James Perkins, Jr. He and the little hate monger, Johnny Leashore, are doing a dog and pony show on HATE RADIO in an effort to create division in Selma and to let Perkins campaign for Mayor without having to declare that he is a candidate. Since he lost the election in 2008 by more than a thousand votes, Perkins has not stopped running for Mayor-his 6th run at the office!

We thought his performance on the hateful and mean spirited show of Leashore on Thursday was DESPICABLE. We hope he will find out-if he doesn’t already know-that the Wells Fargo complaint against certain individuals-NOT THE CITY OF SELMA-has been settled in federal court in Mobile. Contrary to the ignorant writers on the Perkins-Freedom Foundation Cult web site, Mayor Evans was not involved and did not have to testify. If these wannabe radio commentators and misguided journalists are going to report the news, they should know that this case has been settled weeks ago.

We DO NOT know much about the city’s efforts to receive $2 Billion for infrastructure or other city projects. We do know that if Mayor Evans gets $2 Billion for Selma, it will mean the end of Perkins, Leashore, Crenshaw, Randolph and HATE RADIO. Can you imagine how that much money would transform this community in terms of population growth, end unemployment, and make this one of the premier cities in Alabama. If there is even an outside chance that the City can get that much money, we urge Mayor Evans to pursue every legal avenue to obtain it.

Because that much money has the potential to forever alter Selma for the better, Perkins and the other malcontents are ridiculing Mayor Evans for even trying to get money for the city. WE ACTUALLY HEARD PERKINS SAY THAT THE MONEY MIGHT BE COMING FROM AL QUEDA AND WE COULD END UP WITH A TERRORIST CELL IN SELMA. What an idiotic statement, as if the United States government would let $2 billion come into the country from terrorists. Is Perkins SO IGNORANT that he doesn’t know that the United States strictly forbid this and all money of suspected terrorists groups in the world in U.S. banks is currently frozen. If he wants to worry about a CELL in Selma, he has to look no further than his bosom friends in the local Freedom Foundation cult!

We HOPE AND PRAY that Mayor Evans will be able to get this money for our city. It will change the city forever for the better. A part of that change will mean the political end of people such as Perkins, Leashore, Crenshaw and Randolph!