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          What is going on at the Selma City School Board? Are the same people running the School Board who are running the Selma Water Board? In a surprising development Friday afternoon, the FBI swooped into the Selma City School Board Office on Broad Street and ARRESTED THE BOARD'S RECENTLY HIRED CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER (CFO).

          The Board's CFO had just been hired and had begun his duties less than a month or two ago. At this writing, no one knows - or is saying - WHY the FBI arrested him. He had come to Selma from Cullman.

          The Selma City School Board operates alot like the Selma Water Board; a disregard for the law and for the lives of individuals characterizes both Boards. The School Board recently voted themselves a salary of $600.00 per month. When the Attorney-General told them that their action was illegal, those who had taken the money HAD TO PAY IT BACK. Just last week, the Board tried yet another tact in voting a $600.00 a month salary. Our opinion is that they should all resign or be impeached. Like the Water Board, this crowd is also determined to rip-off the taxpayers of Selma for as much as they can as quickly as they can!

          Additionally, after the arrest of their CFO, the Board had an unannounced meeting; in our opinion, an illegal meeting, and is having another one this (Saturday) morning. Also, the Board faces a possible legal action for its public ridicule of former CFO William C. "Bill" Porter, who was a victim of the same School Board crowd which removed Dr. James Carter as Superintendent.

          As we stated, we are unaware at this time, why the Board's CFO was arrested. Our opinion is that there are some other people at the School Board and Water Board that the FBI should be looking at.