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          We were vindicated when we heard that Mayor Perkins had a meeting with his city department heads to tell them that he felt "betrayed" by them, that he carried some of them for 8 years and some for 4 years, and that some of them were not qualified for the city jobs they held. From all indications, Perkins was very bitter about the lack of support he had received from his city department heads in the recent Mayor's race. We have been pointing out for almost 2 years that the city, in many, but not all instances WAS BEING RUN BY INCOMPETENT PEOPLE. We have tried not to indicate that these were bad or evil people who were department heads, but that THEY SIMPLY WERE NOT COMPETENT TO DO THE JOBS THAT THE MAYOR HAD APPOINTED THEM TO. Consequently, the city has deteriorated in many, many ways in the past 8 years. Mr. Evans has been elected to bring CHANGE IN CITY HALL AND CITY GOVERNMENT-not keep the same unqualified people as department heads.

          We never understood why Mayor Perkins would not fire department heads who were bringing ill will on him and his administration. FOR EXAMPLE, a couple of weeks ago, Fire Chief Allen wrecked the new car the city recently purchased for him. While the car is being repaired, Allen CHARGED THE CITY A PER DIEM expense for the use of his car while at the same time he was filling up his personal car with city gas on the city credit card. Even though there are only three weeks left in his administration, Mayor Perkins should fire Allen today for his double dipping rip-off!

SIGHTINGS AROUND TOWN: Recently seen in the drinking room at the St. James Hotel were Freedom Foundation members/volunteers Gwen Brown, Shawn Samuelson and the wife and baby of Police Officer Matt Skelton. Because these people appear to us wear their "Christian" beliefs on their sleeves, we would think they would not be seen in a drinking room. We also think Officer Skelton should exercise a little more headship over his wife and family and where they are seen.

FREEDOM FOUNDATION continues to execute its plan to take over the city, WHILE SELMA SLEEPS. Cody Clark of the FF was sworn in as a Selma Police Officer this week, joining FF member Matt Skelton as a Selma policemen. WE KNOW AT LEAST ONE PERSON WHO WAS IN THE MEETING WHERE MARK DUKE TOLD Matt and Cody they were to become police officers. Slowly, the FF members are infiltrating every aspect of Selma's culture. Sean Black and Matt Wylanda are running the Team Mentoring Program in the juvenile court system. FF members are teaching in the schools, working in hospitals, and local businesses. THIS IS ALL BY DESIGN, not by chance! Soon THE MARTIN LUTHER KING CENTER will be opened in the former Teppers Building--at least that is what Mark Duke says it will be named on one OF THE 44 HOURS OF TAPES SERMONS AND MESSAGES OF HIS THAT WE HAVE. The purpose of that name, according to him, is to help fund raising throughout the country. WAKE UP SELMA!

          If anything you ever read on this site is incorrect, if you will notify us via email, we will immediately post the correct information, and even apologize if necessary. We had thought about disbanding the site after the recent Mayor's election, BUT WE ALL HAVE DECIDED THAT WE WOULD CONTINUE FOR THE TIME BEING. To us, there are much more insidious threats to Selma today than in the past; however, we do want to be accurate in reporting on these. PLEASE NOTIFY US IF THERE ARE MISTAKES IN ANY OF OUR ARTICLES.