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          We hope Perry County Commissioner Little Albert Turner, Jr., has learned something from the riot in his city of Marion: clean up your own backyard before coming to Selma to tell us how to run our lives. For weeks, Little Albert and the self-appointed bishop Fortier have pontificated on how sorry things are in Selma, especially with the school system. Little Albert wants to tell us to build a new school, float a bond issue, elect a school board, rename streets, and generally act as a plantation owner over Selma. At least, the people of Selma are not rioting in the streets like they are in Little Albert's hometown. We say: ALBERT: CLEAN UP MARION FIRST.

          Speaking of RENAMING STREETS: so far we have Sylvan changed to MLK, Annie Cooper/Rangeline changed to Marie Foster, Small changed to L. L. Anderson, and now Jeff Davis changed to J. L. Chestnut. One would think that with all the street changes that nirvana would have arrived in town and there would be no more rampant illegitimacy and sexual immorality, dropouts, crime out of control, rising unemployment, and that tourist would be flocking here by the thousands to view our newly named streets, BUT IT HAS NOT HAPPENED, and it won't happen, no matter how many streets are renamed! If people put as much energy into solving the real problems in Selma as they do on things that ultimately DON'T CHANGE ONE CONDITION, the city would be much better off. It doesn't matter to us what they call the street because in the end it doesn't make any difference to what is really wrong here - illegitimate births and immorality (a spiritual issue) which are at the root of every other problem, including crime, poverty, dropout rate, and unemployment. CHANGING STREET NAMES DOESN'T CHANGE CHARACTER OR HEARTS!!

          Speaking of the newly named Chestnut Bvld., we were pleased to hear that Senator Sanders is getting the money from the State to redo 6 blocks on the street with curbs, gutters, paving, etc. It has needed it for a long time. We are happy to see it done, EVEN THOUGH HANK AND ROSE SANDERS OWN MUCH OF THE PROPERTY ON THE STREET. Improvements paid for by taxpayer's dollars should certainly increase the value of the Sanders' property on Chestnut Bvld.

          And speaking of Rose: we listened very intently to her program on hate radio 105.3 today. If anyone is believing her hate filled, racist propaganda, thn the city will NEVER BE HEALED, UNITED, OR PROGRESS. It is very easy to blame illegitimacy, immorality, crime, violence, dropouts, amd other cultural ills on "slavery, segregation, and Jim Crow" because then noone has to be responsible for their own wrong decisions, choices and lifestyles. Hopefully, the masses are not being influenced by hate radio 105.3.

          AND NOW ON TO SOMETHING THAT REALLY MATTERS: Following is (1) the critical Management Letter which the city's auditors wrote for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2008, AND (2) A list of the more than $570,000 of outstanding bills Perkins administration owed at the end of the fiscal year, which coupled with the deficit of more than $700,000 PUT THE CITY IN DEBT of more than $1.4 million when Mayor Evans took office.

Check out the images below!