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          On the Public Conversation radio program last Friday, Bennie Ruth Crenshaw and Johnny "shot 'em in the head" Leashore met their match in Mayor George Evans. We are appalled that Crenshaw and the disgraced and defeated Leashore stooped to such lies to try to destroy Mr. Evans, a decent and humble man. The coup de grace for Ms. Ruthless came when Mayor Evans proposed that both he and she give up their salaries because some city employees were losing their jobs. In the spirit of everyone sharing equally in the difficult economic times faced by city government, (hard times produced in part by Crenshaw, Leashore, and Perkins' reckless spending and making the city an employment agency for their friends and political hacks), the Mayor made his proposal that he and Crenshaw give up their salaries.

          This would have cost Evans much more than Crenshaw, BUT SHE WOULDN'T AGREE TO DO IT! No, she is getting too much money that the taxpayers are not aware of in the form of trips, perks, discretionary spending, and the like from the city plus who knows what from the Water Board. WHEN ARE SHE AND LEASHORE GOING TO PAY BACK THE MONEY THEY WERE OVERPAID by the Water Board?

          Our advice to Mayor Evans is to never go on Fortier's program again. Fortier and Albert Turner invited the Mayor on to talk about the city government - instead, they let Leashore and Crenshaw come in and take over the program. We expect as much from Fortier, BUT SHAME ON YOU ALBERT TURNER for letting this get out of hand. You two owe Mayor Evans an apology.

          ON ANOTHER SUBJECT: Thanks to Rose Sanders on her Faya's Furnace program last Friday for having the Director of Watchman's Fellowship on to talk about CULTS in our city. Mark Duke and his House of God Church continue to be a source of division, disunity, and dare we say, heresy, in our city. We emphasize again that we are not calling the Freedom Foundation a cult because the FF is not a church. The church is The House of God (THOG). As shown on Faya's Furnace last week, Duke has, in effect, denied that Jesus is God. His position is directly contrary to Scripture in many places including John 1 which declares that "The Word was God" and the "Word became flesh and dwelt amoung us." The Word is clearly identified as Jesus. HEAR THE ENTIRE FRIDAY PROGRAM BY CLICKING THIS LINK!

          In the 2 years he has been in Selma, Duke has managed to alienate himself from almost everyone in the white community and many people in the black community including Mrs. Sanders. On tapes, he has called her "the devil" and Jezebel" amoung other things. We are amazed AT HOW LONG MANY PEOPLE IN SELMA HAVE BEEN SINGLED OUT BY DUKE FOR HIS NAME CALLING - ALL WHILE HE PROFESSES TO BE THE MOST SINCERE CHRISTIAN IN SELMA DOING GOOD WORKS, which he doesn't mind telling everyone about. It seems to us that people who do good work DO NOT have to go about telling the community what great things they are doing!

          Because Duke has lost almost all support in the white community, we make a special appeal to the black community, and especially black pastors, TO BEWARE OF MARK DUKE coming into your churches. Ask if he has created UNITY or DIVISION since he came to Selma, and above all, find out what he believes about Jesus being God and man!