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          There are many issues and groups which divide us in Selma. The latest to divide the community is THE FREEDOM FOUNDATION cabal, which descended on us from Colorado. OUR OPINION IS THAT THEY DEFINITELY ARE A CULT*. They have brought only division, hard feelings, disunity, and dismay to our once lovely city. When people come to town in droves from a distant, beautiful place such as Colorado, they are interested usually in money, power, drawing local people into their cult. We wish that we didn't have to work so that, like Mark and Gwen, we could go all over town pretending to be something we are not. Most of these people live in our neighborhood, so we have a better idea than most Selmians about what is going on behind closed doors. THIS IS OUR OPINION. We wish these people would take their divisive ways somewhere else and quit causing so much strife in this community. We urge everyone to beware of people who come to town talking about unity and love when all they do is create disunity and strife in the community.

          Speaking of the Freedom Foundation, we are disappointed at the manner in which they fawn over and pander to Mayor Perkins. Are they actually his campaign managers? Isn't he on their show once or twice a week?

          We were at the City Council meeting and were amazed at how venomous Mayor Perkins was toward those who suggested that his City Hall pet, Lois Williams, NOT be appointed the election manager for the City Election in August. Has anyone forgotten the utter chaos which surrounded the last time Ms. Williams was election manager? Remember what happened under her watch on the morning of the Bond Election in February? (Voting machines not delivered on time, voting machines malfunctioning, voting machines rain soaked, dropped and ruined, not enough polling officials at polling places, and countless other things which should not be allowed to happen during an election) We understand that the City uses the County's voting machines for City elections. It makes perfect sense to us to have the County in charge of its own machines.

          In this year's election, we do not intend to sit idly by while Perkins has his campaign operatives inside polling places with computers close to or even attached to the voting machines. There is no mathmatical probability within human reason that Perkins and his candidates for the City Council should have gotten the EXACT SAME NUMBER OF VOTES at more than one polling place in the 2004 election. We hope the Council will support Councilman Williamson's request to have federal poll watchers for the City Election.

          We want to know what the Amelia Boynton Community Development Corporation, which was incorporated by CARVER BOYNTON AND BENNIE RUTH CRENSHAW, does. If someone will let us know, we will post their response so that the community can be informed.

          Two of our members have children in Morgan Academy; therefore, we have been interested in the year long efforts of the Freedom Foundation to have the school admit blacks. At the Morgan Foundation meeting Monday night, which we attended, we think one or two local Selma businessmen were rightly pilloried by their fellow citizens. Our prayer is that Julius Talton and Judge Armstrong will temper with grace their efforts to save us from ourselves!