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          We congratulate the Selma Times-Journal on its excellent editorial in the Thursday, October 25, edition regarding the Mayor putting off releasing the police evaluation report. We urge everyone to read the editorial and let the STJ know that THIS is the kind of fair reporting the people of Selma want.

          Now the STJ should ask when the ABI Report about the beatings of Holliman and Gordon will be released? You can be assured that the report nailed some of Martin and Perkins' favorite officers FOR WRONG DOING in these beatings. If the officers had been cleared by the ABI, Perkins would have released the ABI Report the same day the city received it and had it posted on every telephone pole in the city. When is he going to get RID of JIMMY MARTIN? Is there a business in the world who would fire a CEO and then let him continue to make decisions to RUIN THE COMPANY for another six months; yet, that is what Perkins has done by letting Martin stay on.

          Now Perkins tells us the new Police Chief will be named in December. We bet the Council will still be asking him next March when the new Chief is going to be named and he will give his same lie "In a couple of weeks." We WONDER WHY EVANS, WILLIAMSON, CAIN, ALLEN AND MARTIN DON'T SHUT DOWN CITY GOVERNMENT UNTIL THE MAYOR RELEASES THE POLICE EVALUATION, THE ABI REPORT, AND NAMES A NEW POLICE CHIEF?

          PERKINS HAS AT LEAST 3 THINGS WHICH HE IS TRYING TO KEEP THE LID ON SO THEY DO NOT AFFECT HIS $12 million dollar BOND re-election issue: (1) The Police Department Evaluation (2) The Holliman-Gordon beatings and (3) The financial condition of the city's General Fund. We are told that the CITY SALES TAX REVENUES IN THE LAST FISCAL YEAR WERE ALMOST $500,000.00 LESS THAN THE CITY ACTUALLY BUDGETED FOR SALES TAX REVENUE. Does anyone know the exact figure. Please let us know.

          Only someone as blind to reality as Perkins would believe that the GREATEST NEED IN SELMA IS A MOVIE THEATRE OR THAT THE THING PEOPLE WANT MOST IN SELMA IS A MOVIE THEATRE. Our opinion is that the Mayor already has a deal working for the Movie Theatre (perhaps the old Wal Mart Building on Highland) and that there is money to be made from such a deal.

          Only the Mayor would want to put 190 cameras in a city as small as Selma SO HE CAN SPY ON THE CITIZENS. Remember, the cameras he is talking about ARE NOT THOSE DESIGNED TO CATCH PEOPLE RUNNING TRAFFIC SIGNALS. These are mounted cameras to spy on YOUR YARD AND HOUSE AND LIFE.

          And why did the Mayor put $1.4 million in the Bond Issue for a Library Extension WHEN THE LIBRARY BOARD KNEW NOTHING ABOUT IT AND HAD MADE NO SUCH REQUEST. Do not forget who it was that CUT library funding $85,000 a year and REFUSED TO RESTORE IT WHEN 4,600 CITIZENS ASKED HIM TO. Perkins! Now he wants to use the popularity of the Library to get his Bond Issue passed.

          The Mayor and Martin are obsessed with cameras and hidden microphones. These are everywhere IN THE POLICE DEPARTMENT. Martin has the screens in his office so HE CAN SEE AND HEAR EVERYTHING IN THE SPD. PERKINS HAS CITY HALL WIRED so he can sit in his office and listen to everything going on in the City Council Chamber-and who knows where else in City Hall. ONE DAY, THE City is going to be sued BACK TO THE STONE AGE FOR INVASION OF PRIVACY!!!

          We understand a major business is moving off of Broad Street BECAUSE IT IS UNSAFE FOR ITS PATRONS TO COME DOWNTOWN AT NIGHT. We hear that early last Sunday morning, GUNFIRE was going on downtown for about 30 minutes. MAYOR IF YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND-PLEASE LISTEN: crime and violence are the NUMBER 1 CONCERN of people in Selma--the very things YOU DO NOTHING ABOUT.

          Selma will never recover from 4 more years with James Perkins, Jr. as Mayor!