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Real Name At Birth: Evangeline Mary Argyris

In March, pathological liar Mary Argyris Lillieboe told Mayor George Evans that she wanted to appear before the Selma City Council to thank the people of Selma for their hospitality during the previous weekend while she was in town to attend the Bridge Crossing Jubilee. Instead of doing what she said, she unleashed a vile and vicious attack on Council President Dr. Williamson. (AS AN ASIDE: During her tirade, she said that Confederate General Nathan B. Forrest had massacred 800 black soldiers at Ft. Pillow after the soldiers surrendered. LIKE MOST AVOWED SOCIALIST, Lillieboe never lets facts get in the way of a big lie. The truth is that there were only 600 white and black Union soldiers at Ft. Pillow, about 280 of them were killed in the battle and Forrest was never personally charged with massacring anyone).

Lillieboe's chief defender in Selma is the chief fabricator of big fibs at HATE RADIO 105.3, Johnnie Leashore. Everybody in town already knows what Leashore is. We think it is time to unmask Ms. Mary Argyris Lilliebow. Because she has made a living off of her deceased mother, Viola, it is necessary too that we make some commends about Viola.

Whatever she did and whatever she was, she should not have been shot (near Lowndesboro in Lowndes County, Alabama- not in Selma as the media often says). Ms. Liuzzo led a tragic and pathetic life and unfortunately was a lost soul.

1. Born in Pennsylvania in 1925, as a child, she moved to Tennessee and Georgia and finally to Michigan where her father found work first in a bomber factory during WWII and later at an automobile plant.

2. Dropping out of high school after one year, Viola Gregg married at the age of 16. This first marriage lasted only a short while and produced no children.

3. Viola then took a job as a waitress where at age 18 she met and married George Argyris in 1943.

4. Viola and George had two children, one being EVANGELINE MARY ARGYRIS (now our Ms. Lillieboe) born in 1947. Viola and George were divorced in 1949.

5. In 1951, at the age of 26, Viola was married for the third time. Her husband was Teamster union organizer Anthony James Liuzzo. She had three more children with Anthony James: Tommy, Anthony Jr and Sally.

6. With no religious training in her life, she joined the Catholic Church, to which her husband belonged. She left the Catholic Church and dabbled in evangelical Protestantism for a time.

7. Unfortunately for her immortal soul, she joined the First Unitarian-Universalist Church in Detroit in 1964. The U.U. is not a Christian church and denies all of the basic tenets of Christianity. They do not believe that there is a heaven or hell, no Trinity, no Jesus as a personal Savior, and tend to see their mission as establishing a social kingdom on earth.

8. By 1965, "Mrs. Luizzo had been arrested and in court several times and had abandoned her family on other occasions. Once she even appeared on a missing persons bulletin, but was later found in Canada. On one of her court appearances, she was charged with failing to send her children to school and received one years probation" (C.M. Rhodes. The Dark Side of Civil Rights p.18)

9. With a husband and five children at home in 1965, she CALLED her husband and told him she was going to Selma, Alabama, to help in the voting rights drive in Selma. THE INCREDIBLE THING about this decision was that "she registered to vote October 8, 1960, in Ward 22. Precinct 96 in Michigan; however HER NAME WAS STRICKEN FROM THE REGISTERED VOTER LIST FOR NEVER VOTING". (Rhodes. op. cit., p. 18)

Ms. Luizzo's life was tragic and pathetic; however, neither she nor anyone else, should be shot.

10. Her third husband's life also came to a sad conclusion, when he was one of 3 men charged with 7 counts of conspiracy to burn down a supermarket. He died shortly thereafter in 1978.

Enter now her daughter, Mary Argyris Lillieboe, who is an avowed SOCIALIST and who has capitalized on her dead mother's name, Luizzo. Although Anthony James Luizzo was not her father, he did eventually adopt Mary and her brother.

Lillieboe and her family sued the FBI in 1977 for $2 million accusing the FBI of conspiracy in not preventing the death of her mother. The American Civil Liberties Union filed an additional suit in 1979 against the government. Fortunately for the taxpayers, in 1983, both suits were thrown out of court and the Luizzo family was ordered to pay the government almost $80,000 in costs. After the ACLU appealed this, the cost were reduced to some $3,600.

We encourage you to read Lillieboe's comments about capitalism (she hates it) and her views of socialism (she loves it) on the communist/socialist website of the World Socialist party at Lillieboe has given an extensive interview to the world Socialist in which it is rather clear that her political and religious philosophy is - neither capitalist nor Christian. THIS IS THE WOMAN JOHNNIE LEASHORE DEFENDS. We suppose that it is true that not only do birds of a feather flock together, but apparently liars do also!!!