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(The following information is excerpted from a letter emailed to us by Councilman Dr. Cecil Williamson and is taken from the letter which he sent to the Attorney-General today. He has given us permission to summerize the letter today and print the letter once the Attorney-General has had time to receive it.)

          This is a story about Mary and Joseph (how ironic) Baskin, ages 21 and 20, who registered to vote on August 1, 2008. Immediately, they applied for absentee ballots and were mailed ballots on August 8, 2008 by the City Clerk's office. Their residence address is shown on the list of absentee applications published by the City Clerk as 1903 Kelley Avenue. Ballots were mailed to Mary in Ward 6 at 1903 Kelley Avenue and to Joseph at 808 Pleasant Street in Ward 1. Consider the following and decide if this is voter fraud or incompetence.

1. There is no KELLEY AVENUE in the City of Selma and no such address as 1903 Kelley Avenue, as shown on the City Clerk's list of applicants for August 8, 2008.

2. There is no 808 PLEASANT STREET in the City of Selma. The highest number on Pleasant Street in Ward 1 (where Joseph's ballot was mailed) is 223 Pleasant.

3. On the official list of voters in the Courthouse, Joseph's address is shown as 1903 Keller Avenue.

4. However, according to Dr. Williamson, the voting list City Clerk Williams has shows Joseph's address as 808 Pleasant Street. Dr. Williamson notes that the 808 Pleasant Street in the Clerk's book appears to be a different kind of print than every other address on that page of registered voters.

5. Assume that Mary and Joseph exist and they stay at 1903 Keller Avenue instead of the non-existant 1903 Kelley Avenue which appears on the City Clerk's list. 1903 Keller is owned by Reginald Martinear and Daisy McLynn; however, the only listed phone number for that address belongs to Martinear and it is not the phone number listed on the August 1 Voter Registration Form for Mary and Joseph. Calls to the number listed on their Voter Registration Forms went unanswered.

6. If the ballots for Mary and Joseph were mailed by the City clerk to 1903 Kelley Avenue for Mary and 808 Pleasant Street for Joseph last Friday, THE BALLOTS SHOULD HAVE BEEN RETURNED AS UNDELIVERABLE BY NOW. Have they been returned, Ms. Williams?

          We want to know if Mary (age 21) and Joseph (age 20) exist. Why register to vote on August 1 and then immediately apply for absentee ballots? Why use an address that does not exist (1903 Kelley) or was that the Clerk's mistake? Who changed Joseph's address from 1903 KELLEY TO THE NON-EXISTENT 808 PLEASANT STREET? WHO HAS THESE 2 ABSENTEE BALLOTS AND HOW DID THEY GET THEM? Did someone in the Clerk's Office take the ballots? Were they taken by someone at the Post Office? Or have they been returned to the Clerk's Office? If they have been returned, did she make them "provisional", did she send them the correct Ward 6 ballots - if they really stay there?

          You decide whether this is a conspiracy to commit voter fraud involving Mary and Joseph, the Board of Registrars Office, the City Clerk's Office, or simply a case of incompetence. Whichever it is, IT MUST STOP TODAY!