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WOW!!! What hate filled speech Mark Duke and his anointed preachers, Ezekiel Pettway and Ronald Smith, are filling HATE RADIO 105.3 with. All of these professing "Christians" must have forgotten the admonition of Colossian 4:6 to "let your speech always be seasoned with grace..." Whatever else Duke is doing, he is giving and being a sorry witness for Christ in his rantings against the city government, the country club, Morgan Academy, Mayor Evans, Dr. Williamson, Council members Bowie, Tucker, Newton, and Benjamin, Judge Armstrong, Radio Shack, Linda Hogue, Alan McConnell and now even Madame Butterfly!!! Is there no one immune from Duke's hate and wrath??

Actually, we are pleased to see the real Dukester come to light. Try to remember how sweet, pleasant, love everybody, get along with everybody Duke and the enforcer, Gwen Brown, were on their radio show when they first came to Selma. They were so nice and sweet that sugar would not melt in their mouths, but now that people are wise to the FALSE PROPHET that Duke is, he and his minions like the self-appointed bishop Fortier and the ignorant Johnnie Leashore are viciously attacking anyone who questions their denial of the Jesus of the Bible, which is the foundation of the CULT.

Those who belong to the Freedom Foundation and to the House of God Cult, and its manifestation in this community, the Selma Community Church, are being SPIRITUALLY ABUSED by Duke, Gwen Brown, and Shawn Samuelson. Those joining the cult are subjected to hours after hours sessions called "clinics" where they confess their past sins to the unholy trinity of Duke, Brown and Samuelson. Later, if someone wants to get out of the cult, they are confronted with tapes of everything they have confessed in the clinics -- and much of it involves past sexual sins, including homosexuality, for more than a few of the men in the Cult. Threatened with exposure by the Dukester, not many people leave the Cult. Fortunately, some have and have related the terrible spiritual abuse which members have undergone in the clinics and in other sessions.

We again caution those local African-Americans who are supporting Duke and who will have to remain in Selma after Duke leaves, YOU WILL BE HELD accountable and people will not forget that you supported a false prophet and cult leader. Especially will HATE RADIO 105.3 have egg all over its face for its support of this hate filled CULT and its false prophet leader!!!