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          This website was out and about again today when we discovered THIS $150,000 BUILDING PURCHASED RECENTLY BY BENNIE RUTH CRENSHAW. Long time Selma residents will remember this building as the old Central Alabama Dry Goods located at the corner of Alabama Avenue and Sylvan Street (now MLK St.).

          Our opinion is that this is the place where Mayor Perkins INTENDED to put his $2,000,000 movie theater. We kept hearing rumors that Perkins did not want the theatre on Highland Avenue, as he first said, but wanted it on Water Avenue. The Crenshaw Building appears to have fit the bill for the Mayor's theatre and WOULD HAVE MEANT A NICE PROFIT on her $150,000 purchase price for his flunky, BENNIE RUTH CRENSHAW.

          Because the movie theatre fell by the wayside, EVERYONE NEEDS TO WATCH AND SEE WHAT USE EITHER THE CITY OF SELMA, BUT PROBABLY, THE SELMA WATER WORKS, WILL MAKE OF THE CRENSHAW BUILDING. Our opinion is that with her outrageous rip-off of the taxpayers at nearly $20,000 as Secretary of the Water Works and another $14,500 as a City Council member, Crenshaw could afford to buy the warehouse; HOWEVER, WE DON'T WANT THE CITY OR THE WATERWORKS TO BE RENTING IT FROM HER OR PAYING HER FOR IT.

          For those unfamiliar with the building purchased by Crenshaw, SEE THE PICTURE BELOW.