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*THAT MARK DUKE has left Selma under the cover of darkness. Unfortunately, the "spiritual partners", Shawn and Gwen, are still here, which means he may be coming to town periodically to be spiritually refreshed. If we had moved half way across the country from a lovely place such as Parker, Colorado, to follow this Leader to Selma, Alabama, and he bailed out on us, we would be mad as a "wet hen" at him. We hope his action of leaving them "high and dry" in Selma while he flees to Georgia will make some of them rethink their allegiance to him and reconnect with their families out west.

*THAT Jason Makaroff is left holding the bag on a $160,000.00 mortgage on a church building for the Duke ordained Ronald Smith-where has he been-to-pastor-and that after Makaroff and his group paid $20,000 down on the old Christian church building on Selma Avenue. If we were the Marakoffs in Colorado, we would also be rethinking our commitment to Duke.

*THAT Shawn Samuelson told the STJ that the FF was resuming work on the Teppers Building when no one has a current building permit on the building. What an eyesore, not to mention a PR disaster, Duke and the FF created, on Broad Street.

*THAT a Christian college such as Concordia is in a joint venture with the FF, most of whose members belong to the House of God cult. We again urge Concordia to rethink their decision to sponsor an Art Camp at the same time the city has its Art Camp. That is not being a good neighbor!

*THAT the State Examiners of Public Accounts is auditing the City of Selma during the period of the PERKINS ADMINISTRATION... this audit could doom someone's congressional campaign and might finally open enough eyes to the gross incompetence and mismanagement of City Finance Director Cynthia Mitchell that she will be removed. Every management letter issued during the last 4 years of the Perkins administration was extremely critical of the chaos and mismanagemment of the City Finance Department. Most of these management letters can be found on this web site.

*THAT Ruthless Crenshaw and EX-Councilman Johnnie Leashore have not begun to pay back the $100,000.00 that the State Examiners of Public Accounts said the two were overpaid as members of the Water Board. Perhaps a few editorials and letters to the Attorney-General would move him to take some action to recoup the people's money from Ruthless and Leashore.

*THAT Ruthless would not be in the City Council picture with her fellow council members. Each term, the Council takes a picture which is displayed at City Hall. When time for the picture to be made came at the end of the meeting, Ruthless left her seat and sat in the audience while the group picture was made.....and then she wonders why her fellow council members don't support her nefarious schemes.