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THAT Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) communications guru Lecia Brooks would post an on line message saying that Selma is abandoned and economically devastated WITHOUT EVER HAVE VISITED HERE OR CONTACTED ANYONE HERE about local conditions. This is typical of the lies, half-truths and distortions for which the SPLC is well known. Anyone who gets their information from the SPLC is misguided, misinformed and miseducated.. The SPLC is a self-appointed group of left leaning zealots who label organizations as “hate group” and smear individuals by claiming that they belong to these groups. Our question is, do they have a mandate from God or any authority from anyone other than themselves to label any organization? Essentially, the SPLC is a group of race and poverty pimps who have amassed a fortune of over $100 million by smear tactics against anyone who does not agree with their agenda. The attack on our city is just the latest in a series of irresponsible acts and statements by the SPLC.

THAT a predominately African-American Christian college, CONCORDIA IN SELMA, would have a white CULT member, Jarah Botello, as one of the events coordinators for its Black History Program. As a Lutheran college, Concordia should stand in the mainstream of Christianity and its belief in the Holy Trinity. We are certain that Martin Luther and the Lutheran church have historically affirmed the doctrine of the Trinity; therefore, we find it strange that the college would let cult members whose cult denies the Trinity be in the forefront of any of their celebrations and programs. Unfortunately, this is not the only time Concordia has embraced these House of God/Freedom Foundation cult members on its campus and on its payroll.

THAT in her effusive praise of Jubilee that Times-Journal writer Ms. Desiree Taylor would says “it is because of the courageous efforts of these nonviolent protestors that I have my unalienable rights guaranteed”. We would have thought that Ms. Taylor, a professing believer, would have agreed with the Declaration of Independence “that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. We would much rather have our rights guaranteed to us by God the Creator than by government or even by nonviolent protestors. On the other hand, we have no problem with Ms. Taylor celebrating her heritage at Jubilee or elsewhere.

While we are on “rights”, and much will be said about “voting rights” in the next week or two in our fair city, we want to say in the interest of truth and historical accuracy that long before Bloody Sunday on March 7, 1965, and the Voting Rights Act of August, 1965, BLACKS HAD THE RIGHT TO VOTE. The 15th Amendment to the United States Constitution in 1870 had given black men the right to vote and the 19th Amendment in 1920 had given black women the right to vote. IN FACT, there were about 300 blacks registered to vote in Selma BEFORE bloody Sunday. The problem was not that blacks did not have the right to vote, the PROBLEM WAS THAT THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, ESPECIALLY PRESIDENTS JOHN KENNEDY AND LYNDON JOHNSON, would not enforce the United States Constitution.

There are so many reasons why the events in Selma on March 7, 1965, which have forever soiled the name of this city WERE NOT necessary. One that is seldom mentioned is that on February 4, 1965, United States District Judge Daniel H. Thomas in Mobile issued an order guaranteeing that all who wanted to register to vote would be given the opportunity to do so by July, 1965 or the federal COURT would proceed to register voters itself. Judge Thomas went so far as to ban the use of the state’s literacy test. Strange that this court order seems to be forgotten and Selma’s name is forever tarnished. We believe there should be one standard for everybody to register to vote and everybody who meets that standard should be allowed to register. We also believe that the Voting Rights Act is itself discriminatory because it does NOT apply to every state in the Union, but only applies to all or parts of 16 of our 50 states, including Alabama and Selma.

THAT we now have a new HATE FILLED radio program on Hate Radio 105.3 called TrueSelma. Is that name a joke? All we have heard are lies about Mayor Evans and city council members reminiscent of the now disgraced ex-wanna-be announcer Johnnie Leashore. We commend hate radio for removing the liar Leashore from the airways. However, we continue to urge individuals to contact the Federal Communications Commission in Washington and file complaints about the biased and hate filled programs such as TrueSelma. On TrueSelma, we have the CULT favorite preacher, Ezekial Pettway. His claim to fame is that he is an unabashed puppet of defeated Mayor James Perkins, Jr, and for good financial reasons. During the Perkins Administration, the Rev. Pettway had a very lucrative contract to clean the Water Works Building. He took the money, but there is some question about his cleaning abilities. ANOTHER RIP-OFF of the people of Selma is our estimation. That money explains his part on TrueSelma and the incessant attacks on Mayor Evans and his lap dog support for Perkins. Remember that Ezekial Pettway was one of the prominent members of the House of God Cult’s REAL TALK radio program with Gwen Brown. Now he is back just in time for the upcoming city election. Pettway is joined by Lydia Chatmon who seems to have a special hatred for Council members Benjamin, Bowie and Tucker. We wanted WHY this was until we learned that her mother, Dorothy, is planning to run against Councilwoman Benjamin in Ward 4. Chatmon also serves as a puppet for defeated Mayor James Perkins, Jr. We can expect more hate, vitriol, lies and distortions from Hate Radio 105.3 as long as they let people like Pettway, Chatmon and Leashore misuse the airways.

We understand the STREET COMMITTEE is circulating petitions throughout the city to get a pardon for the convicted Johnnie Leashore. We do not mind Leashore being pardoned for his crimes. Although the idea originated with us, we do not mind that the Street Committee is now directing this effort. We know Mayor Evans will do the right thing when petitions are presented to him asking that Leashore be pardoned. At least Leashore will have a clean slate when he runs against Councilman Randolph in Ward 5 in August.

REMINDER: The elections on MARCH 13 are for the parties to select their candidates to run in the General Election in November; therefore, YOU MUST VOTE IN EITHER the Democrat or the Republican Primary on March 13. You can NOT vote for some Democrats and some Republicans that day. In November you can, but not on TUESDAY, MARCH 13. To vote in the local races, Probate Judge (Kim Ballard v. Gordon) or Circuit Judge (Tommy Jones v. Pettaway), you must vote in the DEMOCRAT PRIMARY.

We think Mayor Evans, most members of the City Council, especially Dr. Williamson, who has brought order to council meetings, are DOING AN EXCELLENT job. We hear rumors, which we hope are true, that Williamson, even though he has said he will not run for Council President, may run for the Ward 1 council position if current Councilman Tommy Atchison does not seek reelection. We also hear that Councilman Corey Bowie will run for City Council President. Our opinion is that Bowie would be an excellent choice to work with Mayor Evans for the next four years. We believe that Council members Bjelke, Benjamin and Tucker will all run for reelection and we would support each of them. We are unaware of what Councilwoman Susan Keith’s plans are, but believe she has done a good job and deserves another term.