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Imagine Selma with 30,000 people and everyone working. Under those circumstances, Rose Sanders would be irrelevant. She understands that prosperity and unity make people like her insignificant. That is why she does everything she can to tear down our city, divide our people, and create controversy at every opportunity. Her lust for power and money and her greed are the forces which drive her to destroy any opportunities the city has for growth and prosperity.

Consider her recent antics at the Selma City Council meeting. Instead of asking to be on the agenda and speaking to the council in an orderly way, she decided she would attract attention to herself by grabbing the microphone and begin shouting more of her lies about Council President Williamson. With Bush Hog regional officers sitting on the front row at the council meeting, Rose may have killed the expansion of Bush Hog in Selma, which would mean more jobs for our people. We can only imagine what our visitors from out of town thought while she acted like a person born out of time who missed the 1960's movement. Of course, she doesn't care how many jobs are lost or businesses close because of her as long as she can divide the community and keep attention on herself. The more Selma suffers and the smaller it becomes, a bigger fish in a smaller sea she becomes. Her lust for power and money are insatiable.

We commend the Council President, Mayor, Police Chief and our policemen for the professional manner in which Rose was removed from the council chamber. Because she missed the movement of the 1960's and was not even in Selma when the movement was in progress, she tried to recreate the movement by using 60's tactics today. She would like for someone to hit or beat her at a council meeting so she could become a martyr. But those days are past for her and her Chicago imported son-in-law Fortier.

What Rose does and what she did Tuesday night make it a hundred times harder to recruit industry to Selma and Dallas County, but that is part of her plan to cause the city to deteriorate so she becomes more important. Think if Selma were prospering or think when Selma did prosper in the 1970-1990's. Rose was irrelevant. Every once in a while she reared her divisive head such as the time she destroyed the public school system, but by large, she was ignored and kept at bay by Mayor Smitherman. When the public sees Rose perform acts like those at Tuesday's council meeting, the people should know that it is a part of her plan to divide and diminish the city and take power and money for herself.

The way to make Rose irrelevant is for Selma to grow and prosper. It will not be easy with her fighting unity, peace and progress at every opportunity. The struggle is daily and it is far from over. Either she will be defeated by progress and prosperity or she will prevail and our once lovely city will become like all of the other poverty riddled cities in the Black Belt.