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HANK SANDERS.....either from Team selma or give up his ownership of HATE RADIO 105.3. How can he purport to want to bring industry to Selma on one hand while owning a hate radio station which drives industrial prospects away from Selma and having a wife who deliberately tries to ruin the city with her constant race baiting on street corners and at city council meetings. Sanders has represented this area for 27 years in the legislature, IS THERE ANYONE WHO THINKS SELMA IS BETTER OFF TODAY THAN IT WAS 27 YEARS AGO?? If they do, they obviously were not living here 27 years ago! The only people who have benefited from Sanders being in the legislature have been Hank and rose, their family and cronies.

RONALD SMITH.... a Pastor of the Selma Comminty Church, the local affiliate of the Mark Duke cult. Smith should resign because the Word says that a man who can not manage his own household well should not be over the house of God. Any man who gives his sons away to be raised by cult members is not managing his own household well. One Smith son lives with cult leader mark Duke in georgia while the other Smith son is living with the cult members Mike and Nicole Black in Colorado. Do the right thing, Ronald, either RAISE YOUR OWN SONS or resign from the pastorate.

JAMES President of Wallace Community College, Mitchell has turned the college into a conduit for taxpayers funds to pass through from Hank Sanders to members of the Sanders family adn their various enterprises. Recently, the College gave $70,000.00 for the Jubilee, MONEY WHICH SENATOR SANDERS HAD SENT TO THE COLLEGE FROM STATE TAXPAYERS. AND what other college in the world gives scholarships to a kindergarten-six grade school incorporated by a state senators family.

DON interim Superintendent of the selma City Schools and the members of the Selma City School Board who support him. THIS IS SO INCREDIBLE THAT NO ONE WILL BELIEVE IT, SO WE ASK YOU TO TALK TO AN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHER YOU KNOW IN THE CITY SCHOOLS. Jefferson has mandated that EVERY child must make an 85 on every test, so every child can be on the Honor Roll. In order to do this, teachers are having to spend most of their time teaching the same materials to a few students and giving them test after test until they make an 85. MEANWHILE......average and smrt students are sitting in class being neglected for long periods of time....This whole scheme of everyone making at least an 85 is based on the socialist ideas of self-esteem and outcome based education. Teachers are frustrated by all of the conflicting mandates that Jefferson is sending out and students are being neglected to achieve some socialist ideal.

CODY CLARK AND KELLI BRUNSON......from the Selma Police force. These two Mark Duke cult members have demonstrated some questionable judgment in recent days as Brunson was at Duke's right hand when he screamed and shouted at Mayor Evans and disrupted the Selma city Council meeting and Clark has tried to intimidate protestors who were protesting against his sister. Why doesn't Katie Clark try to get a job and do something productive with her life?

JOHNNIE LEASHORE....from HATE RADIO 105.3 because he is the most unadulterated liar that we have ever known. His most recent target has been Commissioner Albert Turner because Turner exposed Leashore for the lying thief that he has been through the years. Leashore was gleeful that some woman was suing Turner and accusing him of assaulting her. Unfortunately, for Leashore, last week the jury sided with the Commissioner on a 12-0 vote. We suppose while Leashore was lying about Turner assaulting that woman that Leashore forgot that while married, he had shot into the house of his girlfriend and been fired from his job at the CAA. What a hypocrite!!!!

This community would be a lot better off if all of these people would do the moral thing and resign immediately!!!