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Last week, we called for the resignation of INTERIM SUPERINTENDENT OF SELMA CITY SCHOOLS, DON JEFFERSON. His recent ethnic slur toward Jews confirms that we made the correct call. While trying to get more money for the newly hired finance officer for the school system, Jefferson accused some board members of trying to "Jew her down" as far as salary is concerned. In light of the many contributions that Jews have made to Selma, including being mayors of the city and successful businessmen, Jefferson's insult can not be allowed to stand. He should do the right thing and resign.

And speaking of resigning, Board President Henry Hicks' explanation of the meaning of Jew someone down made Jefferson's remarks look civil. Hicks talked like this was a common expression because of how Jews use to do business. What an insult! A person like Hicks, especially with his lack of educational background, has no business being the President of a School Board in Selma or anywhere else. It is beginning to look like the lying thief Johnnie Leashore and other city council members made a mistake when they voted for an elected school board for Selma.

The Mark Duke Real Talk radio program with cult minister Gwen Brown and Ronald Smith of Selma Community Church continue to insult the people of Selma with their heretical teachings. While denying what the Bible clearly teaches-the deity of Jesus Christ-Gwen and Ronald insult the people of Selma with such heresies as sinless perfectionism. Although the Bible plainly says that we are all sinners and to say that we do not sin is a lie, Gwen continues to preach her false doctrine that we can be without sin in this life. Both Gwen and Ronald are teaching a false legalism. We pray that their listeners are not being deceived by their heresies.

That Rose Sanders has become obsessed with trying to prove and keeps telling people that the ancient Egyptians were black. Can someone tell us what difference that makes to Selma's present day problems? It surely does not make any difference to us what color they were. If the ancient Egyptians were black, as Rose contends, does that mean that blacks held God's people in slavery in Egypt for 400 years? We don't think we would want that dubious distinction on our record. Rose can not have it both ways. Egyptians can not be the first and greatest this or that without being among the first slave masters in the universe. Perhaps the Slavery Museum should have an exhibit on the Egyptian slave masters. We hope people are not spending too much time on this Rose historical rewrite.

The lying thief Leashore continues to insult the intelligence of the people of Selma with his repeated lies and half-truths. We know that Leashore is delusional and actually believes what he is saying. His lies range from the ridiculous to the sublime. One of the more ridiculous lies was telling people that Cecil Williamson would be attending Glenn Beck's Tea Party Rally in Washington at the very time Dr. Williamson was on a flight to Europe. Along those line, Fortier told the lie that Williamson was a member of the Tea Party. We know that is a lie because there is no Tea Party in Selma that we are aware of. HATE RADIO 105.3 continues to be the biggest detriment to the economic growth of Selma, Who would want to come here after listening to the HATE SPEECH on that station? HATE RADIO 105.3 and what it is doing to Selma CAN BE LAID SQUARELY AT THE FEET OF HANK AND ROSE SANDERS. In our view, HANK is much more culpable and damaging to Selma than his hateful wife.