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Rose Sanders must be to contine to tilt at windmills! We think what a sad and pathetic person she is and what a miserable life she leads. One week she is shouting in the Dallas County Courthouse at the Board of Registrars. Then she is in Harlem and supporting the leftist radicals in the Occupy movement. Now she is screaming at cars at the foot of the Pettus Bridge. Then she is supporting ILLEGAL immigrants. One would think that in the twilight of her life, she would be more interested in productive rather than destructive activities.

HATE RADIO 105.3 is as it continues to try to promote revolution in the city and throughout the Black Belt. HATE RADIO’s latest heroes are Marcus Garvey for Rose and W.E. B. Dubois for the Bishop of Funk, Fortier. It is most revealing what Garvey and DuBois SAID ABOUT ONE ANOTHER. Dubois said that Marcus Garvey was “without doubt the most dangerous enemy of the Negro in America and he is either a lunatic or a traitor” and “a little fat, black man, ugly, but with intelligent eyes and a big head”.

Our problem with the Jamaican born Marcus Garvey (1887-1940) is that he was a radical black nationalist, extremely ANTI-JEWISH, a criminal who serve time in the Atlanta Penitentiary for mail fraud, a person who said he was convicted because of “Jewish and Roman Catholic jurors and a Jewish judge”, and is considered a prophet by the false, anti-Christian Rastafarian movement. These are just a few of the reason that we trust that local African-Americans will not be misled by HATE RADIO and their deification of Marcus Garvey. EVEN THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION REFUSED TO PARDON Garvey posthumously in 2011.

On the other hand, the Bishop of Funk’s hero, the communist W.E. B. Dubois who renounced his American citizenship and moved to Ghana in his last years, was said by Marcus Garvey to be “purely and simply a white man’s nigger” and “a little Dutch, a little French, a little Negro, a mulatto, a monstrosity”. THOSE ARE DIRECT QUOTES from Garvey’s writings about DuBois.

There are so many more better role models for African--Americans than Marcus Garvey and W.E.B. Dubois. It is sad to see Rose, Fortier, and HATE RADIO 105.3 continuing to promote the worst among African-Americans.

We regret that BENNIE RUTHLESS CENSHAW continues to be so bitter toward Mayor George Evans. The latest Ruthless mean spirited and hateful act took place at the recent Unity Breakfast which Ruthlesss scheduled at the same time as the Mayor’s Golf Tournament. Because Youth Ambassadors, who were giving the breakfast, are a city financed group, the Mayor went to the Convention Center, BUT CRENSHAW did not even recognize him. Not much UNITY demonstrated there was it Ms. Cremshaw??? What a sorry example for our young people, AND we wonder why Police Chief Riley lets himself be used by Crenshaw?

During the administration of the defeated Mayor James Perkins, Crenshaw could do anything she wanted to do. One rather brazen example was RENTING A CAR FOR HERSELF AT CITY EXPENSE to drive around for a week without the approval of the Mayor or Council President. She simply authorized the rental for herself from Enterprise and approved the invoice at a cost of $297.20 to the taxpayers of Selma. This is just minor compared to the more than $100,000.00 she has spent on trips charged to the City and the Water Board since she has been on the City Council. We hope the voters of Ward 7 will retire her next year, She is much too bitter toward others to be an effective public servant.