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The Selma Watcher was treated to a radio program on 8/16/06 that was so desperately victimizing that this website's blood pressure went up to an alarming level. The deception and animosity on this broadcast, A Public Conversation, would make a person think they had just been released from a Psych Ward.

This show was comprised of slander, deception, mis-guided statements, half truths, and racist remarks. There were so many untruths that this website hardly knows where to begin.

First, Mr Cain was not escorted from Wachovia Bank as was stated by Mrs Censhaw in the council meeting and stated by the program. How can they say these things and sleep at night? This website hopes they don't until they retract this statement and tell the truth. Second, to say that Mr Cain and Mr Williamson are detrimental to this city is absurd. If this program knew as much about this city and how it works as these two you would tar and feather a mayor and a few council members and ride them out of this town before sundown.

Third, Mr Evans did not leave town rather than be at the council meeting. There was a death in his family. This website feels that desecrating a death and using derogatory remarks toward a family during a time of loss is just about as low as a person can stoop. This website feels these types of remarks are nasty, tasteless, and certainly of great disrespect to a family in their time of need.

One commentator on this program is running for public office and is aware that him mentioning the Freedom Party during the show is illegal unless he clarifies each time that it is a paid political advertisement. This website has found that this has been addressed to the Attorney General for action. He also teaches leadership at Wallace Community College. Do you want this person teaching your child? The other commentator is a well-known, well versed attorney that has no shame when it comes to calling people racist. It takes one to know one - that's the old saying. If this behavior, and this program, is socially redeeming this website fails to understand how.

It is this websites opinion that these are two people who don't understand how peace will always overcome turmoil. They speak only of Denial. Who is denying the people of unity through this 900lb gorilla approach to race relations?