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          No people we know in Selma or Dallas County know how to “game the system” to make money like HANK And ROSE SANDERS…We recently heard Rosie talking about what a great Senator Hank was and how his fellow Senators thought he was the best Senator ever…We want to ask people in Selma to THINK… Is this city and county better off or worse off than it was when Hank Sanders entered the State Senate almost 30 years ago?

          We believe any thinking person will know we are WORSE OFF today financially, educationally, morally, than we were 30 years ago. Today MORE people live below the poverty level in Selma and Dallas County than they did 30 years ago…MORE people are on food stamps…MORE people live in public housing…MORE kids receive free or reduced lunches…MORE children are born out of wedlock…MORE people are committing crimes and are in jail…MORE people make less money proportionately than they did 30 years ago…FEWER people live in the City and County today and many have left because of the continued agitation and racial turmoil created by the Sanders…FEWER students are in the public school system today because of Rose…Select almost any category and Selma, Dallas County, and the Black Belt are MUCH WORSE OFF TODAY THAN WE WERE WHEN HANK SANDERS ENTERED THE STATE SENATE…Rose can talk on HATE RADIO 105.3 all she wants do, spread her hate filled message across the Black Belt and deny the obvious…but anyone with eyes can see, can understand what our current situation is here…and most everyone that is negative can be laid at the feet of the Sanders and their few followers and family members like Franklin and Malika Sanders Little Fortier.

          ON THE OTHER HAND, while the multitudes barely get by, the Sanders have gamed the system and become multi-millionaires…One of their most recent schemes was selling three pieces of their private property to their non-profit. In 2003, they established the Selma Renaissance Fund, Inc., a non-profit with a listed address of P.O. Box 1290, which also happens to be the address of the Sanders law firm. Gifts made to this non-profit are tax deductible. If you wanted to launder money or make money, use money in a non-profit that you control to buy property from yourself. Those who gave money to this non-profit or the Sanders themselves if they put money in the non-profit received a tax deduction for the contributions. Take the money you put in or money given to your non-profit and buy property from yourself.

          The Sanders recently sold 3 pieces of property they personally owned to the Selma Renaissance Fund, Inc, which they, in effect, also own. The properties are located at 10 Union Street, 1220 Alabama Avenue and 807 Broad Street. The Tax Assessors Market Value of these properties was $185,000.00. That is a nice profit for the Sanders for transferring title to the Renaissance Fund and taking the $185,000 (or whatever amount they took) from the non-profit.

          AND by transferring title to the non-profit, they do not have to pay any more property tax on those three properties! These people may be haters, hate filled, professional dividers, and mean spirited, but they are not dumb when it comes to making money and GAMING THE SYSTEM!


          SPEAKING OF THEIR WEALTH… Not only have they recently paid $283,000 to buy the Brownstone Manor, we see from the Form 990”s that the Voting Rights Museum files with the IRS (public information) that the Voting Rights Museum has received a cool $2,574,908 in the last five years. That is not a small amount for a PRIVATE museum.

          It is interesting to us that the City and County Governments, not to mention the citizens of this area, have allowed Rose Sanders and her ilk to tell Selma’s history through the Voting Rights Museum and the Bridge Crossing Jubilee. Was it just because no one else would do it that Rosie became the face of Selma’s Civil Rights History-and she wasn‘t even in Selma during the time of the movement. If you contemplate this, shouldn’t this be an OFFICIAL FUNCTION of City and County Government to tell its own history and story? WHAT OTHER CITY AND COUNTY GOVERNMENT WOULD LET SOME HATE FILLED RACIST LIKE ROSE SANDERS BE IN CHARGE OF PRESENTING THEIR HISTORY TO THE WORLD? What is the City and County Governments thinking about in letting this happen…or are they thinking at all???


          We have been hinting at, even saying this, for the better part of two years…it is not going to be Cecil Williamson or any other whites which bring down Hank and Rose Sanders and their empire…IT IS GOING TO BE THE CHESTNUT FAMILY…Selma has a most wonderful Street Committee system…and many times the Street Committee knows the truth before the public does. The Street Committee says that the Sanders and our new Judge Collins Pettaway, Jr. have been stealing money from the Chestnut estate and family for years AND that it is only a matter of time before this blows publicly and sky high…We wonder if the Chestnut family is aware that on July 18, 2012, the Chestnut, Sanders, Sanders & Pettaway, P.C. sold 1501 and 1301 J. L. Chestnut Blvd. to Hank and Rose Sanders..Interestingly Hank Sanders signed to Deed for the firm to him and Rose. The Assessor’s Market Value for this deal was $144,500.


          We have been interested in the hate filled rants on HATE RADIO 105.3 from Rosie and her anarchist son-in-law Franklin Fortier about the monument at Confederate Circle in Live Oak Cemetery. We still do not understand why even some one as hateful and vindictive as Rose would object to a 135 year old Monument being made handicap accessible. The action to stop the work making the Confederate monument handicap accessible was unconscionable and inexcusable. While we may understand their feeling about the Forrest monument, we do not comprehend the mean spirited action in protesting the work around the Confederate monument. What we really don’t understand is how Council members Bowie, Benjamin, Crenshaw and Randolph were so intimidated by Rose’s hollering and hate filled antics that they voted to stop work on making the Confederate monument handicap accessible…and voted the City right into a major lawsuit in Federal Court in Mobile. One would think that if Lounge owners where murder has taken place are given a hearing before their license is revoked that these 4 council members would have at least given a legitimate contractors with a legal license to do the work at Confederate Circle a hearing before his building permit was revoked…but he wasn’t.

          Supposedly, Mayor Evans and President Bowie are saying they are working on a plan to get the work completed. We certainly hope they do, BECAUSE NO ONE SUPPORTED THEIR ELECTION MORE THAN WE DID AND ARE AS GLAD AS WE ARE THAT THEY ARE IN OFFICE INSTEAD OF THE PEOPLE WHO RAN AGAINST THEM, BUT WE MUST REMIND THEM THAT ONE OF THE REASONS Mr. JAMES PERKINS, JR. IS NOT IN OFFICE TODAY IS BECAUSE OF HIS CAVING IN TO ROSE AND HIS MISHANDLING OF THE MONUMENT CONTROVERY WHICH SHE CREATED IN 2001...We would not want the same fate to befall Mayor Evans or President Bowie..and when is someone going to point out to Rose that she is now protesting the very monument she caused to be put in the cemetery in the first place! WHAT A HYPOCRITE SHE IS! AND WE WANT TO KNOW…how much longer is Rosie going to continue to use 514 ˝ WATER AVENUE as her voting address when she clearly lives in the County at 1 Imani Way? Isn’t this hypocritical to present yourself as a champion of voting rights when you illegally and immorally vote in the city when you are not entitled to do so. WHAT A HYPOCRITE SHE IS! Come on, Rose, do the right thing and CHANGE YOUR VOTING ADDRESS.