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          With a number of elections to be held this year, we want to share the following information and ask that you spread the news.

MARCH 13...This is the day Republicans and Democrats select their candidates to run in the November General Election. This means that on March 13 you will have to vote in either the Democrat or the Republican Primary. You CAN NOT vote for some Democrats and some Republicans on March 13. If you wish to vote in the local races for Probate Judge (Kim Ballard v. Gordon) or Circuit Judge (Tommy Jones v. Pettaway), you MUST VOTE in the DEMOCRAT Primary. Because the Republicans did not run anyone in the county races, whoever wins the Democrat primary will be elected in November.

AUGUST 28...This is the day the voters in the City of Selma will elect the Mayor, Council President, and council members who will take office in November. Candidates in the city do not run as Democrats or Republicans. The entire city will elect the Mayor and Council President, while voters in each of the city’s 8 wards will vote on their council member only. If a run-off is needed, it will be six weeks later.

NOVEMBER 6 is the General Election where we elect electors who will vote for President in December as well as electing certain state and local officials. In November you CAN vote for some Republicans and some Democrats, if you wish.

          NOW is the time to contact the Federal Communications Commission and lodge a complaint about HATE RADIO 105.3-- about its biased and slanderous programming. Go to the FCC website and fill out a complaint form on line or see our previous post for the mailing address of the FCC. HATE RADIO 105.3 is a cancer in this community spreading the disease of hate across Selma and the Black Belt.

          The petition in our previous post asking Mayor Evans, in a gesture of magnanimity to pardon JOHNNIE “Little Man” LEASHORE for any and all of his crimes will soon be distributed on the streets of Selma. We are asking that individuals sign the petition, take it by HATE RADIO and ask that they deliver all of the petitions to Mayor Evans on behalf of Leashore. It seems to us as Leashore gets older and older that it would be good if he faced eternity with a clean slate. If you see one of the petitions on the street, please sign and forward to Hate Radio 105.3.

          We were encouraged to hear the announcements that Universal Forest Products is locating at the Craig Industrial Park. Special thanks to the EDA, Airport Authority, Mayor Evans and Judge Ballard for all they do to grow and prosper our community. We understand other industrial announcements will be made in the next month or so.

          Local whiners, Carolyn Robinson, Dee Henderson and Tammy Maul with Dr. Donald Jefferson will have their day in court next week. Our only advice for Dr. Jefferson, and we do NOT have a dog in this fight, is that he would fare much better if his primary support was not coming from Hate Radio’s want to be announcers such as Leashore and Fortier as well as whiners who join them. Dr. Jefferson would do much better in the public eye if he was his own front man rather than having this crowd of malcontents speaking for him. We trust that whatever the court decides will be accepted by the community and we can move beyond this controversy, WHICH KEEPS INDUSTRY FROM COMING HERE.