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          For the second time this month, Police Chief Jimmy Martin has had to fire one of his recently hired officers; officers he hired without any background checks! Martin's most recent foul up occured last week when one of the many female officers he has hired, discharged her weapon during a domestic dispute with her husband.

          FIRST, Martin told her NOT TO WORRY, he understood her situation and that everything would be ok (for her to remain on the police force). THAT WAS BEFORE THE SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT RAN A ROUTINE CHECK ON THE OFFICER AND FOUND THAT SHE HAD AN OUTSTANDING WARRANT ON HER FOR CRIMINAL MISCHIEF. When Martin had hired her, HE HAD NOT EVEN RUN A BACKGROUND CHECK. Faced with the outstanding warrant on his female officer, Martin was forced to fire her.

          A source tells us that City Personnel Director Valeria Jones was mighty upset when she learned that Martin had NOT run a background check on the officer AND HAS NOW ORDERED MARTIN TO RUN BACKGROUND CHECKS ON EVERY OFFICER HE HAS HIRED IN RECENT YEARS!

          If Martin runs the background checks on the people he has hired, THE CITIZENS OF SELMA ARE GOING TO BE OUTRAGED AT WHAT IS REVEALED ABOUT SOME OF THE PEOPLE MARTIN HAS HIRED. This website has repeatedly said that we have some people on the Selma Police force that should NOT be in law enforcement in ANY capacity because of their own brushes with the law. Martin has been so desperate to hire officers that he has made some really questionable hires in the past couple of years.

          WHY HAS MARTIN DONE THIS? Because experienced officers have quit their jobs rather than work for someone as incompetent, unqualified, and inept as Jimmy Martin! Martin's actions have jeopardized the safety and security of every citizen and business in Selma. Every day their are complaints about the conduct of Selma Police Officers; and almost always, these complaints involve recently hired officers who are unqualified and untrained.

          And make no mistake about it, the one person responsible for Jimmy Martin being Police Chief and keeping Martin as Chief is Mayor Perkins. He alone bears the responsibilty for what Martin does!!