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          The City lost more than $30,000.00 last year by letting groups such as the RATS (Random Acts Theatre Society) use city buildings FREE OF CHARGE. Part of Mark Duke's Freedom Foundation, RATS proved true to their name by using the Performing Arts Center 23 times last year WITHOUT PAYING THE CITY ANY RENTAL FEES. To make matters worst, the RATS charged admission to their Suessical and kept the money to fund who knows what!! We want to know which City Council member of Who authorized the use of this facility by those cult members.

          Meanwhile, the Teppers Building on Broad Street continues to be an eyesore and a disgrace. It is past time that Duke use some of his money and complete the renovation of this building. We want to know if they have a current Building Permit from the City and will be checking on that. We are told that such permits have to be renewed from time to time. We suppose Duke is still trying to use Selma's name to get a grant for his proposed Martin Luther King Center.

          Though these activities mentioned above are devious and detrimental to the community, they pale in comparison to what Duke and his HOUSE OF GOD CHURCH are teaching. We urge everyone to use the link on this web site to Allan McConnell's web site where you can hear the heresy and false teaching from Duke and other members of the House of God cult in their own words. It is unfortunate that the cult members are preying on the poor and disadvantaged in this community. We wonder sometimes what some preachers are thinking about - surely not the true gospel - when they let Duke and his followers in their churches and pulpits.

          We also wonder why more of the informed pastors in this community are not openly opposing this cancer that is spreading through our community. Anyone who denies that Jesus is God is a heretic and not a Christian-that includes Duke and his House of God followers!!

We have, since posting, learned that authorization to use the theatre was given by non-other than James Perkins JR in return for their support in his re-election campaign.