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          Has the Freedom Foundaton been involved in deception from its inception? Their application to become a 501(c)(3) organization was based on their involvement in PARKER, COLORADO (Douglas County). When the IRS granted them 501 tax exempt status, the IRS letter was directed to the Freedom Foundation in PARKER, COLORADO. The statistics and information they used to get 501 status were all taken from the circumstances in Parker, Colorado (Douglas County).

          Instead of operating in Parker, Colorado, they now come to Selma, Alabama (Dallas County) where circumstances are different from those used by the Freedom Foundation to get their tax exempt status. We wonder if they knew they were coming to Alabama when they filed all of the paper work with the government with their plans for Colorado. Are they still operating in Colorado also? We certainly hope so. Otherwise, this application for 501 status appears to be an exercise in deception from the inception.

          INTERESTING: On the last corporate report to the Colorado Secretary of State, Mark Duke's name no longer appears as the corporate agent. The agent for the freedom foundation in Colorado is now Dan Vaughan. Strangely, Vaughan is listed as a trustee of the Freedom Foundation on the Articles of Incorporation filed with the Dallas County Probate Office in Selma, incorporating the Freedom Foundation in Alabama. Does that simply transfer the IRS 501 recognition to anywhere the Freedom Foundation is?

          We have obtained many, many documents about the Freedom Foundation, which are public information, and which we intend to post on this website. The first two of these documents follow as a link at the bottom of this article. OUR NEXT POST WILL BE ABOUT ALL OF THE MONEY THE FOUNDATION HAS.

          Articles in the links below are:

(1) The IRS letter to the Freedom Foundation in Parker, Colorado, granting the Foundation tax exempt status.

(2) The 21 page application by the Freedom Foundation to the IRS for 501 tax exempt status. There are interesting facts and statements in this application including-
- the application based entirely on the Freedom Foundation operating in COLORADO
- on page 2, there is some biographical information about Sean and Tylisa Black, the couple whose daughter started school at Morgan Academy this year. WE ARE APPALLED that the Freedom Foundation is so callous and insensitive that they would put the names of these people in a public document
- what the Foundation does is a duplication of what churches throughout this community are doing EVERY DAY. The difference is that churches ARE NOT SPENDING MORE THAN $16,000 a year to get on the radio and tell everyone all the good works they are doing.

The Approval From The IRS

The Application warning: 21 images