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          In a startling development, the Federal Communications has shut down HATE RADIO 105.3. As expected, the owners and management of 105.3 tried to blame everyone except themselves for not renewing the station’s license which was due for renewal last December 1. If you ran a business, wouldn’t you know when you had to renew your license to continue in business? If 105.3 was not so busy spewing hate, division, disunity and contention throughout Selma and the Black Belt perhaps they could give attention to such an important matter as renewing their FCC license. Of course, they were 16 months renewing their license the last time it came due. AFTER READING THE LETTER FROM THE FCC BELOW, PLEASE READ THE SUGGESTED ACTIONS WHICH FOLLOW THE LETTER.


April 6, 2012

Imani Communications Corporation, Inc.
P. O. Box 1305
Selma, Alabama
In re: WBFZ (FM) Selma, AL
Facility ID No. 81739

Dear Licensee:

The license for the above referenced station expired on April 1, 2012. An application for renewal of this station’s license should have been filed by December 1, 2011. To date, we have no record of receiving a license renewal application for this station, and the station’s license has expired by its own terms.

Accordingly, all authority to operate station WBFZ(FM) Selma, AL IS TERMINATED and the call letters ARE DELETED. Any operation of this facility is now unauthorized and must cease immediately.

Finally, it is imperative to the safety of air navigation that any prescribed painting and illumination of the station’s tower be maintained until the tower is dismantled. Accordingly, the owner of the tower where the referenced station’s transmitting antenna is located must maintain the tower in the manner prescribed by the Commission’s rules and the terms of the expired license.


Peter Doyle
Chief, Audio Division
Media Bureau


          HATE RADIO operated illegally and in violation of the FCC’s order from April 1 through April 12. The last time 105.3 did this they were fined by the FCC.

(1) Look for Rose Sanders and Franklin Fortier to play the race card. Rose is saying the FCC didn’t notify them that the license was due to be renewed. The obligation is actually on the station to renew its own license.

(2) The FCC will probably give Hate Radio a temporary license to operate while Imani makes application for a license renewal. We are urging everyone to contact the FCC at their web site and urge the FCC not to grant a temporary license. THIS COMMUNITY HAS SUFFERED ENOUGH DIVISION AND ANOMOSITY BECAUSE OF THIS RADIO STATION. As recently as yesterday, ALL LIES (masquerading as TrueSelma) Lydia Chapmon began the program by saying the city of Selma was $200 million in debt. Then former mayor James Perkins was on telling more lies about the city finances, especially the $10.7 million payment to save the city employee’s pension plan. What he failed to mentioned was that more than $7 million of the debt was accumulated while he was in office. This coupled with his over spending the city’s General Fund by $722,000 the last year he was in office as WELL AS LEAVING MORE THAN $1.1 MILLION in uncollected garbage bills when he left office hardly qualifies him to speak on city finances. WHAT A BLESSING IT WOULD BE if Hate Radio was off the air through the August 28 city election!

(3) When Hate Radio does begin its reapplication process, the FCC will have a time for public input from the citizens of Selma. WE WILL LET YOU KNOW WHEN THIS IS and how to comment. PLEASE contact the FCC and tell them what a detriment that station is to this community and how much division and hate it has stirred up in Selma and Dallas County. IT IS A CANCER WHICH IS NOT NEEDED IN SELMA AS MOST PEOPLE, BLACK AND WHITE, TRY TO GET ALONG WITH ONE ANOTHER.

(4) We believe that it is of the Lord that the station is off the air at this particular time. Please pray that He will be pleased to keep it off the air, but remember that faith without works is dead; therefore, please contact the FCC TODAY and urge them not to grant a temporary license to Hate Radio.