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Election Time Again

Our take on this flyer!

          You can see this flyer that King James has started to extend his bid for re-election beyond TrustBuild. Movie theater, new Conference Center, and new sidewalks. He said these are things the City "needs".

          He plans to enter into a private/municipal partnership to get Selma a theater. Perkins and the Crenshaw Block continuously criticized the arrangement the City has with the St. James Hotel. They have publicly desecrated and belittled the previous mayor's name for his part in the Hotel. Now they want the same arrangement with a movie theater. How hypocritical!! A city of 19,000 AND DECREASING population can not support a movie theater. Who will lose money on this venture? THE TAXPAYERS! DON'T BE FOOLED!

          He plans new sidewalks. But who's wards will get the sidewalks? Wards 5-8 would be a good guess wouldn't it? This is no more than an election campaign being run for the re-election of him and his favorite 4. Public opinion is that he and his 4 have caused chaos in this City and THEY MUST GO! Don't be Fooled!

          He proposes a new Conference Center. Superintendent James Carter's decline and eventual release from his job started when King James insisted he include a 500 seat auditorium in the new Selma City School Board Office and Dr. Carter felt we did not need it and that the million dollars needed to build it would be better serve the people by using it in the education system for increased technology. Perkins is fixated on going to conferences and building a new Conference Center. Is this a fetish or what? Don't be fooled!

          He plans improved security. Why hasn't he provided security before? Look at the crime numbers. They have steadily increased since King James took office in 2000. Our security has not been important up to now?? Are we being forced to pay $4 million to him so he can provide us the safety we are entitled to have under municipal government? Where did the money go that he said we saved by having 20 officers less than budgeted? There was a deficit of almost $1 million in last year's budget. This $4 million is for nothing but to prop-up a bad budget and a fiscally mismanaged City. Don't be fooled!

          Expand the library. KING JAMES IS THE ONE WHO CUT FUNDING TO THE LIBRARY. A petition of 4,600 signatures made no difference to him. Do we need to give him $4 million to restore funding? Don't be so naive as to believe the library will see any of King James pot of gold! Don't be fooled!

          Modern retail space for those who bow down and support him. Who's going to patronize these modern spaces? Sales Tax Collections are down so more people are shopping out of town. Why? Crime, attitudes, lack of selection because businesses have cut their inventory, decreased population, lack of spending power by the public, higher prices from having to offset theft and shoplifting, and having to provide their own security. Where are the answers to the promises he made when he was seeking appointment powers? Don't be fooled!

          The stadium is in serious need of renovation and repair. If this City gives James Perkins his $4 million, there is NO GUARANTEE ANY OF THIS WILL BE DONE! You can NOT depend on anything he says except that he will go to any extreme to keep his Thursday a week job, minus the time he spends out of town, that pays him almost $120 thousand a year. Don't be fooled!

          Mayor James Perkins Jr. has promised OUR City the moon and has done nothing but cause choas, mistrust, and a once beautiful, vibrant city to decline and lose its rightful place in progressive history. This 8 years of his reign should, and probably will, go down as the worst Mayorship in the history of Selma.

          Don't give him $4 million of YOUR money to play with. He has power he can't manage and his own money by his past bankruptcies and financial failures. He has allowed cities around us to form a vacuum that is sucking money out of our City because of the choas he has caused. Why should we think he can handle our money?