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We are disappointed that the FBI is not investigating Wallace College, James Mitchell and Hank Sanders. The two latest rip-off of taxpayers demonstrate how brazen Sanders has become because he has been in office far too long.

1. McRae Learning Center, a PRIVATE SCHOOL, begun by Rose Sanders was having financial difficulties. Senator Sanders sent money from the State Education Fund to Wallace College. ANYONE WANTING TO GO TO MCRAE CAN NOW GET A SCHOLARSHIP THROUGH WALLACE to attend the McRae Private School. Can you imagine what hell Rose and Hank and James Mitchell would raise if one penny of state money ever went to predominantly white private schools.

2. We know now and have copies of the contracts where Wallace College used another $60,000.00 of taxpayer money to pay through the Voting Rights Museum FOR THE RAP AND OTHER ENTERTAINERS at the recent Jubilee. We will be publishing these contracts soon. This was another $60,000 of your education money sent to Wallace and passed through to the Sanders family. WILL IT EVER END?

When you vote on June 1 for State Senator, if you have lived here for many years, please consider how much worse off our area is in every way than it was more than 20 years ago when Hank Sanders entered the legislature. Unemployment is higher, crime is greater, and the entire quality of life is worse for a majority of our people.

We are disappointed that Mark Duke and the House of God/Freedom Foundation Cult continue to create division, confusion, and disunity in our once lovely community. Under the guise of unity, they create division, especially among the races in Selma. It is well that they have moved their Real Talk Show to HATE RADIO 105.3 so they can join the other hateful people on the station. Duke and his CULT and HATE RADIO continue to attack Mayor Evans for not permitting their so-called "Dance on the Bridge", which was nothing more than an effort to exploit the famous bridge for their own personal financial gain.

If we had been in the real Movement in the 1960's, we would deeply resent this Johnny come lately, Mark Duke, who is trying to co-opt the movement, including the bridge, for his own personal gain. His puppet students are the LIARS and are to blame for the CULT not being able to use the bridge for their dance.

AND WE WANT TO KNOW, why Duke and his wife's name are still on the Voting List for Dallas County. Have they not moved to Georgia?? Isn't this illegal for them to vote here??

We also continue to wonder why "preachers" like Ezekiel Pettway and Ronald Smith continue to be taken in by this Jesus denying cult. Duke and his followers can say whatever they wish about what they believe, but their beliefs about the Person of Jesus and the Trinity ARE DIAMETRICALLY OPPOSED TO WHAT CHRISTIANS HAVE BELIEVED FOR 2,000 YEARS!! We really question Ronald Smith and his wife for giving their young son, Brandon, to Duke by letting him live with Duke in Georgia. By doing this they have doomed themselves and this child to forever being followers of this false teacher.

As for Ezekiel Pettway, we keep wondering how he can pastor a church in Montgomery; yet, be in Selma every day on HATE RADIO supporting the cult, and how he squares his profession with Duke's doctrine, which clearly contradicts Scripture. Remember the name, EZEKIEL PETTWAY, because he has qualified to run for the Dallas County Board of Education as a Democrat in the NOVEMBER election. We suppose that will be the next time we see Mark Duke who lives in Georgia be involved in a local election. The school board seat is currently held by MARK STORY, who is running for re-election. The District is primarily in the Valley Grande area and north Dallas County. Try to remember where you have heard this name, EZEKIEL PETTWAY, before-on HATE RADIO 105.3.

We are also disappointed that former Mayor Perkins is circulating a letter attacking Mayor Evans because Mayor Evans merely reported to the public what the auditors had said- that in Perkins last year in office, the city had a DEFICIT of more than $723,000.00 and that in Evans first year in office, the city had a SURPLUS of $40,000.00. The former Mayor may spin it anyway he wishes and try to blame the current Mayor and others for his extravagant expenditures, but the figures do not lie! It is obvious to anyone that the former Mayor HAS NEVER CEASED RUNNING for Mayor since the day the voters turned him out of office by more than 1,000 votes. He and the sore and disgraced loser, Johnnie Leashore, can not accept the fact that the voters rejected them because the voters wanted the city to move forward in a positive direction.

We are disappointed that the Perkins followers have forced Dr. Obasahan to leave his job as city school Superintendent. It is no secret that they have wanted Don Jefferson to be superintendent for a long time. Although the Board offered Obasahan a contract extension, they made demands on him that would have compromised his integrity- especially in the area of keeping incompetent teachers and school closings. It is also rumored that he would not take the lead in pushing for increased property taxes to pay for the new school. What kind of Board starts to build a school without knowing where the money is coming from? This shows a real lack of leadership on the Board!

It is absurd to suggest, as the ignorant Leashore does, that property taxes be raised when 47% of the people in Selma rent or live in free or reduced housing and the vast majority of the people who own property here do not have children in public schools-no wonder the hateful Leashore wants to tax property.