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With J.L. coaching you on how to turn out the 17,000 voters who failed to vote in the primary, you have made yourself and him look like lost sheep. You really turned them out didn't you?

The Freedom Party failed miserably to achieve any credibility for their party in spite of J.L. and Rose compromising their commitment to the Democratic Party.

It is clear that the voters in Selma and Dallas County have become more intellegent than you and your political allies. The power you and your bunch thought you had over the voters appears to have been very weak to non-existent. Only ten percent of the 17,000 you were supposed to turn out came to the polls. By the numbers they voted for someone other than the Freedom Party.


Talk has it that they would rather vote for anyone instead of the Freedom Party because of the candidates they selected. The voters have sent you a clear message that you are not an electable person for any offices in this city or county. You have also brought shame to the newly formed Freedom Party, J.L., and Rose by asking them to support you. This is the end of your powerful, racist, political career. The people have chosen to ignore you and those like you. You and your party have failed to cut the mustard!