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At the urging of the Cult and Ruthless Crenshaw, Councilman Sam Rudolph continues his assault on Dr. Cecil Williamson at Tuesday's council meeting. Coming out of left field, after receiving a text message from his handlers, Rudolph again urged the Council to condemn Dr. Williamson. What Rudolph, Rose Sanders, and HATE RADIO 105.3 do not understand is that what a council member does on his personal time is none of the council's business.

FOR EXAMPLE, SEE THE FLIER WHICH FOLLOWS THIS PAGE. Notice that Councilman Randolph is taking his constituents to THE CASINO IN PHILADELPHIA, MISSISSIPPI. We want him to tell us IF THE CITY PAID to charter this bus to take all of this money out of Selma to the Casino. We are pretty sure the fliers were printed at CITY EXPENSE and on CITY Copier Machines; however, if Councilman Randolph wants to email us and tell us differently, we will be happy to print his email.

We are not interested in debating the merits of gambling here, but find it interesting that a council member who charters a bus to take people gambling has the gall to attack other council members for what they do on their own personal time. CAN YOU SPELL HYPOCRITE!

And while we are on Councilman Randolph, we want to know when he is going to PAY BACK THE $10,000.00 HE STOLE FROM THE WATER WORKS. Randolph was cited by the State Examiners of Public Accountants along with CRENSHAW and LEASHORE for taking money from the Water Works which they were not entitled to. PAY IT BACK SAM!!

HATE RADIO 105.3 CONTINUES TO BE THE VOICE OF HATE, STRIFE, DIVISION AND CONTENTION IN THE COMMUNITY. We urge everyone to continue to speak of 105.3 as HATE RADIO. That idea is being spread throughout our community, and rightly so. We are particularly interested in the HATE FILLED VOICE AND TONE of cult Minister Gwen Brown. Since she became a MINISTER, Gwen Brown, is no longer the silly girl which came to our city a few years ago and was featured on Real Talk with Mark Duke. By the way, whatever HAPPENED to Wild Dave and the other characters on the original Real Talk. Now, Brown talks as if she is some warrior raised up from Hades to cast thunder bolts on our fair city. We haven't heard such venom coming from a Minister in all our days. This female carpetbagger from Colorado appears to be trying to surpass the defeated and disgraced ex-councilman Leashore in spewing HATE across the city.