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          Perkins, Leashore, and Crenshaw continue to WASTE TAXPAYERS MONEY in their spiteful and mean spirited efforts to keep Dr. Allen off of the Water Board. On Monday, the Board filed another motion in Circuit Court. Their frivolous motion follows. If, as the Court ruled, THE WATER BOARD HAD NO STANDING TO BRING its initial action, why waste money asking the Court to reconsider or vacate its judgement?!

          WHY INDEED? Because keeping Dr. Allen off of the Water Board means HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS IN THE POCKETS OF PERKINS, LEASHORE, AND CRENSHAW. For example, Leashore is, in our opinion, ILLEGALLY drawing $25,500 per year as Water Board Chairman. This salary is illegal because the law clearly says that the City Council sets the salary of the Board Chairman and the Council has NEVER set this OUTRAGEOUS salary for the Chairman.

          Crenshaw receives $19,600 as Board Secretary-Treasurer and Perkins gets at least $25,000 for being Superintendent. Multiply this by a six year term on the Board and you see WHY THEY DON'T WANT TO LOSE THESE BIG SALARIES.

          What might happen with Dr. Allen on the Board? Allen , Rev. Goodwin, and "Brother" Vick could do the right thing and vote to remove Leashore and Crenshaw from these officies and remove Perkins as Superintendent. We think this could very well happen. That is why there are DESPERATE efforts to keep Dr. Allen off the Board!

          And WHY is the Water Board wasting money paying April E. Albright to file these motions? Didn't she move to Atlanta with her husband? How much is that going to cost Selma's water users? And if the Board has a FULL TIME ATTORNEY, the Mayor's brother-in-law, Collins Pettaway, Jr., WHY DOES THE BOARD HAVE TO HIRE MS. ALBRIGHT TI FILE THESE FRIVOLOUS MOTIONS?

          The City Council alone decides who sits on the Water Board. The Water Board has NOTHING to do with who is elected to the Board. Isn't it time to stop wasting money trying to keep the duly elected member, Dr. Allen, from serving? We difinitely favor THE IMPEACHMENT OF LEASHORE AND CRENSHAW AND THE REMOVAL OF MAYOR PERKINS FROM THE BOARD!!!

          Here is the frivolous motion: