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As you have read on AngelFire, a police officer was charged with giving alcohol to a minor. This is one charge-contributing to a minor. The second charge is co-habitating with a minor. What kind of morals do we expect from the Selma Police Department? Undoubtedly, not much. This officer was given a written reprimand and instructed not to do this again.

Chief, do you have the authority to resolve this problem with a reprimand and not to involve the laws of the state in a matter like this? No you don't.

Had a person, other than a police officer, been charged with these offenses, they would have gotten a trip to jail, an appearance before a judge and at least a fine or probation. A written reprimand is NOT sufficient to override the laws of the State of Alabama. We are calling on District Attorney Michael Jackson, the Mayor George Evans and the city council to step in and insure that the kangaroo court Chief Riley has augmented will NOT supersede proper action that is dictated by the laws we all are bound by.

This situation and the handling of it is being watched not only by our citizens but by others who have the authority to do what is right and just. We are asking our elected officials to handle this for our city as the citizens do not deserve to be treated this way.

We are also asking the SelmaTimes Journal to run this story. Sterilizing an occurrence from the public of this magnitude is unfair no matter how personally distasteful you feel it is.