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Twas the Night before Christmas

Twas the night before Council
and the Mayor was thrilled
that the bond issue would pass
and his pockets would be filled.

The Mayor was nestled all snug in his bed
as visions of money signs danced in his head.

The city in shambles
the police force a hoot,
with criminals sitting back
counting their loot.

"But we need this theater!",
the Mayor cries,
"Let's all watch movies
while our city dies."

An illiterate chief,
A city in debt,
How can this theater
control the theft?

And let's not forget
the cameras we need
So everyone's watched
by the Mayor indeed.

When out on his lawn there arose such a clatter
He sprang from his bed to see what was the matter
Away to the window he flew like a flash
Tore open the shutters after he hid some of his cash.

A man with a gun running
across the lawn
The Mayor stretched his
arms and stifled a yawn.

He crawled back in bed with a cough and a snort
That's just one more crime they wouldn't report.

So Christmas is good for the Mayor this year
He's gotten his bond to the ballot we hear.

A theater, cameras, money to burn
So out to work people, more money be earned.

With a blink of his eye and a nod of his head
The money is spent and Selma's still dead.

So Merry Christmas people
I wish you the best
From the Mayor to you -